Dahlquist Gordon

Dahlquist Gordon (EN)

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  Gordon Dahlquist is an American playwright and novelist. A native of the Pacific Northwest, Dahlquist has lived and worked in New York City since 1988. His plays, which include Messalina and Delirium Palace (both Garland Playwriting Award winners), have been performed in New York and Los Angeles. Graduate of Reed College and Columbia University’s School of the Arts. He is an alumnus of New Dramatists.
   Dahlquist's debut novel The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters, a hybrid of fantasy and science fiction set in a period similar to the Victorian era, was published on August 1, 2006, to notable critical acclaim. Dahlquist was reportedly paid an advance of $2,000,000 for The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters, the first of a two-book deal. Its sales were disappointing and it is estimated to have lost its publisher, Bantam, approximately $851,500. The sequel to The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters, The Dark Volume, was published in the UK by Penguin on May 1, 2008, and March 24, 2009 in the United States. A third volume, The Chemickal Marriage was published in July 2012. A young adult novel, The Different Girl was published in 2013.
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The Dark Volume

0 (0) 0 28 октября 2010 14:05 Киберпанк 129 EN 2009