Phal Francette

Phal Francette (EN)

Страницы автора на других языках и псевдонимы: Фел Франсетт
Средняя оценка: 10 (1)
Пол: женский
Язык страницы автора: Английский
ID автора: 115070
Просмотров книг
за день: 0
за неделю: 10
за месяц: 50
за год: 215
за все время: 3615

Francette lives in Massachusetts with her amazingly supportive husband of ten years and her darling two year old son. Reading amazing books has led her to writing and she’s dabbled in fan-fiction before self-publishing her own works. She’s constantly thinking up new stories to write and does her best work when music is playing in the background. Romance is where she’s most comfortable but she hopes to one day venture in mystery novels. She has a weakness for coffee ice cream, tropical fruits and a good glass of wine.

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10.0 (1) 0 17 декабря 2015 08:00 Современные любовные романы 49 EN 2015