Jason Amanda

Jason Amanda (EN)

Средняя оценка: 10 (1)
Пол: женский
Язык страницы автора: Английский
ID автора: 106812
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Amanda Jason is the pen name for Carol Kunz’s New Adult romance novels. She is the C part of the mother and son author duo, C.A. Kunz. The pen name Amanda Jason actually has a special meaning to Carol because it is a tribute to the set of twins she lost many years ago. Carol began her dream of writing when her son, Adam, asked her to write a young adult fantasy novel back in 2011. She couldn't have been happier to embark on this wonderful journey into the literary world with her son because it was #1 on her bucket list. 
Carol currently lives in sunny Florida with her hubby and her two four-legged fur babies. She takes comfort in the fact that her amazing daughter and son live close by. When she isn't writing, you can find her walking her yellow Lab or reading a good book. Lucky Number four is the debut novel of Amanda Jason, and it’s been a long time coming.
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Lucky Number Four

10.0 (1) 1 16 июня 2015 08:47 Современные любовные романы 52 EN 2014