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Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Жанр: Поэзия
Страниц: 22
Символов: 12119


Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Белый Андрей
Жанр: Поэзия
Страниц: 107
Символов: 676000
Вступительная статья, составление, подготовка текста и примечания А.В. Лаврова.Тексты четырех «симфоний» Андрея Белого печатаются по их первым изданиям, с исправлением типографских погрешностей и в соответствии с современными нормами орфографии и пунктуации (но с сохранением специфических особенностей, отражающих индивидуальную авторскую манеру). Первые три «симфонии» были переизданы при жизни Белого, однако при этом их текст творческой авторской правке не подвергался; незначительные отличия по отношению к первым изданиям представляют собой в основном дополнительные опечатки и порчу текста. По прижизненным переизданиям первые три «симфонии» (а также и четвертая — по ее единственному изданию) напечатаны в кн.: Белый А. Старый Арбат. Повести/Подгот. текста и примеч. Вл. Б. Муравьева. М.: Моск. рабочий, 1989. далее
Библиотека современной фантастики. Том 8

Библиотека современной фантастики. Том 8

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Страниц: 92
Книга закончена
Символов: 459390
Библиотека современной фантастики в 15-ти томах. Том 8. Содержание: О ДЖОНЕ УИНДЭМЕ. Ю.Кагарлицкий … 5. ДЕНЬ ТРИФФИДОВ, роман. Перевод с английского С.Бережкова … 19. РАССКАЗЫ: БОЛЬШОЙ ПРОСТОФИЛЯ. Перевод с английского Ю.Кривцова … 275. ВИДЕОРАМА ПООЛИ. Перевод с английского Р.Померанцевой … 293. далее
В пути

В пути

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Жанр: Поэзия
Страниц: 14
Символов: 12927
Гость. Научно-фантастическая повесть

Гость. Научно-фантастическая повесть

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Страниц: 48
Символов: 310323
Росоховатский И. Гость: Научно-фантастическая повесть. — Москва: Молодая гвардия, 1979. - (Библиотека советской фантастики).Созданный для исследования космических пространств искусственный двойник человека неожиданно выходит из-под контроля ученых и начинает самостоятельную жизнь среди людей. далее


Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Жанр: Поэзия
Страниц: 21
Символов: 77136
Simple Genius

Simple Genius

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Baldacci David (EN)
Жанр: Триллеры
Страниц: 84
Книга закончена
Символов: 513948
Язык книги: Английский
David Baldacci’s much-loved protagonists Sean King and Michelle Maxwell are having trouble adjusting to life in the wake of the terrible events that drove them to the brink in HOUR GAME. Dogged by hidden demons from her past, then almost killed in a barroom brawl, Michelle agrees to try therapy at a mental-health facility, where she simultaneously busts a criminal drug-dealing ring! Meanwhile, to right their shared career in the private security sector, Sean accepts an offer to investigate a mysterious death at a scientific think tank called Babbage Town, located suspiciously close to the CIA’s infamous yet covert training camp – "The Farm". In Babbage Town, the security is tight as the world’s scientific geniuses race to invent technologies powerful enough to conquer the most sophisticated microprocessor. Michelle soon joins Sean, and before long both find themselves pawns in a terrifying game whose elusive players cite threats to national security as justification for their most heinous crimes. далее


Оценка: 10.0 (1)
Писатель: Rollins James (EN)
Страниц: 91
Символов: 581765
Язык книги: Английский
The South American Jungle Guards Many Secrets…and a remarkable site nestled between two towering Andean peaks, hidden from human eyes for thousands years.Dig Deeper…through layers of rock and mystery, through centuries of dark, forgotten legends.Into Ancient Catacombs…where ingenious traps have been laid to ensnare the careless and unsuspecting; where earth-shattering discoveries—and wealth beyond imagining—could be the reward for those with the courage to face the terrible unknown.Something is Waitinghere where the perilous journey ends, in the cold, shrouded heart of a breathtaking necropolis; something created by Man, yet not humanly possible. Something wondrous. Something terrifying. далее
Среди запахов и звуков

Среди запахов и звуков

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Жанр: Медицина
Страниц: 64
Символов: 435163
В книге рассказывается о физиологии слуха, обоняния и вкуса. Иными словами — обо всех познавательных, занимательных, а иногда и курьезных аспектах оториноларингологии. Для широкого круга читателей.
Ночь в тайге

Ночь в тайге

Оценка: 10.0 (1)
Страниц: 2
Символов: 7327
Произведение из сборника «Барбос и Жулька», (рассказы о собаках), серия «Школьная библиотека», 2005 г.В сборник вошли рассказы писателей XIX–XX вв. о собаках — верных друзьях человека: «Каштанка» А. Чехова, «Барбос и Жулька» А. Куприна, «Мой Марс» И. Шмелева, «Дружище Тобик» К. Паустовского, «Джек» Г. Скребицкого, «Алый» Ю. Коваля и др. далее
The Alexandria Link

The Alexandria Link

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Berry Steve (EN)
Жанр: Триллеры
Страниц: 94
Книга закончена
Символов: 584780
Язык книги: Английский
For those readers who enjoy the Dan Brown type of story such as The DaVinci Code, and, Angels and Demons, this is a book I'm sure you will enjoy. Indeed Steve Berry's style is very much like Brown's – short paragraphs, fast-paced, leaving no space in which to get bored. Also, he writes the type of mystery that I personally like. One that gives the reader a lot of real information even if the main subject matter seems a bit far-fetched. Wisely, I think, considering the furor that followed the publication of, The Da Vinci Code, Berry concludes with a writer's note detailing fact from fiction. The subject of this book is the lost great Library of Alexandria in Egypt, once the repository of nearly all of the collected knowledge and wisdom of the civilized world containing over a half million scrolls, maps, books and codices. Works by Euclid the mathematician, Herophiles on medicine, Manetho's writings on the historical Pharaohs and the poems of Callimachus to name a few. The library was sacked and burned about 1500 years ago by invading Muslim forces. Christians did similar things, of course. Look at the Crusaders for instance. The three major religions have all done it down through the ages. What irreplaceable knowledge, writings and art have been lost! According to this story, we find that much of the famous library had been spirited away before the sacking armies reached Alexandria. Stories such as this have been around for years. That, in itself, would be a staggering find but reportedly among the documents is one that would blow the lid off the situation in the Middle East, mainly the conflict between the Palestinians the Israelis. It refers to differing translations of the Jewish Old Testament and involves Saudi Arabia. Cotton Malone, a retired U.S. agent of a section of their Secret Service named The Magellan Billet, is the book's main character. He is separated from his wife, Pam, an agent of the U.S. Department of Justice and shares custody with her of their much loved teenage son, George. The stress of their lifestyles has pushed them apart and it was not an amicable separation especially on Pam's side. Cotton now lives in Copenhagen, Denmark and has established a fine bookshop over the course of a year. The action starts straight off with an enraged Pam turning up on his doorstep early one morning literally screaming that George was kidnapped two days earlier and that it was all Cotton's fault. The kidnappers said that if she contacted the police the boy would die and she was not to fly to Copenhagen for two days. She was then to give Cotton a particular cell phone and wait. A very angry and frightened Cotton awaits the call, while trying to calm down his hysterical wife. Apparently he has access to something called the Alexandra Link, the only one in the world supposedly that does. They want it and will do anything necessary to get it. To Pam the answer is simple. Give them what they want and get George back unharmed. But Cotton can't or won't do this. This Link and the knowledge it would reveal would affect the entire world. The world's three main religions would be shaken to their roots. I am not giving the plot away by saying that the information involves the covenant, between Abraham and the Jewish God, Genesis 13.verses 14-17. While Pam rages on, the call comes, and while Cotton desperately considers what to do, the bookshop beneath them is blown up by rocket fire. This is just to help him make up his mind. They escape over the rooftops and head for the home of their good friend, Henrick Thorveldson. From there the reader is carried along, first to the castle Kronborg Slot also known as Elsinore in Shakespeare's Hamlet, where they are fired on by an assassin and one becomes involved with the highest levels of the U.S. and Middle Eastern governments and the Israeli – Palestine years long conflict. We meet the mysterious Palestinian George Haddad who is a "guardian". But a guardian of what, precisely? It would seem that all was not burned in the destruction of Alexandria and some papers still exist somewhere concerning this conflict. Does he guard this? Eventually Cotton contacts his previous boss, Stephanie Nelle, the head of this Magellan Billet section who he trusts implicitly and informs her of what is happening. She appears to know something of this already but she in turn trusts no one around her even up to the Oval Office. She has discovered that some top files have been breached in Washington to which only very few have the access codes. There is Attorney General Brent Green; Securities Advisor Lawrence Daley; someone called Blue Chair and top agents of many countries including Mossad. And so we are led with Cotton and Pam to monasteries, deserts, mountain retreats, various quests, even Camp David and eventually back to Denmark. Danger is everywhere. How does a book like this end when you know the mystery must endure? Well, you will have to read it, as I cannot give it away. I'm sure you will enjoy it. далее
Split Second

Split Second

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Baldacci David (EN)
Жанр: Триллеры
Страниц: 100
Книга закончена
Символов: 546816
Язык книги: Английский
From #1 bestseller David Baldacci comes a new thriller reminiscent of his phenomenal bestselling debut, Absolute Power. It was only a split second-but that’s all it took for Secret Service agent Sean King’s attention to wander and his “protectee,” third-party presidential candidate Clyde Ritter, to die. King retired from the Service in disgrace, and now, eight years later, balances careers as a lawyer and a part-time deputy sheriff in a small Virginia town. Then he hears the news: Once again, a third-party candidate has been taken out of the presidential race-abducted right under the nose of Secret Service agent Michelle Maxwell. King and Maxwell form an uneasy alliance, and their search for answers becomes a bid for redemption as they delve into the government’s Witness Protection Program and the mysterious past of Clyde Ritter’s dead assassin. But the truth is never quite what it seems, and these two agents have learned that even one moment looking in the wrong direction can be deadly. Full of shocking twists and turns, and introducing a villain to rival Jackson in Baldacci’s The Winner, SPLIT SECOND is pure, mind-numbing adrenaline to the last page. далее

Мухтар 12+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Страниц: 3
Символов: 10789
Произведение из сборника «Барбос и Жулька», (рассказы о собаках), серия «Школьная библиотека», 2005 г.В сборник вошли рассказы писателей XIX–XX вв. о собаках — верных друзьях человека: «Каштанка» А. Чехова, «Барбос и Жулька» А. Куприна, «Мой Марс» И. Шмелева, «Дружище Тобик» К. Паустовского, «Джек» Г. Скребицкого, «Алый» Ю. Коваля и др. далее
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