Элементарные частицы

Элементарные частицы

Оценка: 7.91 (11) 3 7
Писатель: Уэльбек Мишель
Страниц: 65
Книга закончена
Символов: 460790
Главный герой романа, французский ученый, одинокий и несчастный, добивается кардинальных изменений в биологии человека как вида, в результате чего приходит новое поколение счастливых и без устали ублажающих друг друга людей. Как это произошло и что из этого вышло, предстоит узнать читателю. далее
Пора уводить коней

Пора уводить коней

Оценка: 8.50 (2) 2
Писатель: Петтерсон Пер
Страниц: 41
Книга закончена
Символов: 277572
Роман «Пора уводить коней» норвежца Пера Петтерсона (р. 1952) стал литературной сенсацией. Автор был удостоен в 2007 г. самой престижной в мире награды для прозаиков — Международной премии IMРАС — и обошел таких именитых соперников, как Салман Рушди и лауреат Нобелевской премии 2003 г. Джон Кутзее. Особенно критики отмечают язык романа — П. Петтерсон считается одним из лучших норвежских стилистов. Военное время, движение Сопротивления, любовная драма — одна женщина и двое мужчин. История рассказана от лица современного человека, вспоминающего детство и своего отца — одного из этих двух мужчин. далее


Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Crace Jim (EN)
Страниц: 47
Книга закончена
Символов: 318781
Язык книги: Английский
On the morning after harvest, the inhabitants of a remote English village awaken looking forward to a hard-earned day of rest and feasting at their landowner's table. But the sky is marred by two conspicuous columns of smoke, replacing pleasurable anticipation with alarm and suspicion. One smoke column is the result of an overnight fire that has damaged the master's outbuildings. The second column rises from the wooded edge of the village, sent up by newcomers to announce their presence. In the minds of the wary villagers a mere coincidence of events appears to be unlikely, with violent confrontation looming as the unavoidable outcome. Meanwhile, another newcomer has recently been spotted taking careful notes and making drawings of the land. It is his presence more than any other that will threaten the village's entire way of life. In effortless and tender prose, Jim Crace details the unraveling of a pastoral idyll in the wake of economic progress. His tale is timeless and unsettling, framed by a beautifully evoked world that will linger in your memory long after you finish reading. далее
Me Llamo Rojo

Me Llamo Rojo

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Pamuk Orhan
Страниц: 129
Книга закончена
Символов: 893367
Язык книги: Испанский
Me llamo Rojo nos introduce en el esplendor y la decadencia del Imperio Turco, una potencia que llegó hasta las puertas de Viena. Viajamos hasta el siglo XVI, el sultán desea inmortalizar su figura en un lienzo, pero la ley islámica lo prohíbe. La tentación vence y cuatro artistas trabajarán en secreto, elaborando un libro lleno de imágenes nunca antes pintadas. Hasta que uno de ellos desaparece. далее
My Name is Red

My Name is Red

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Pamuk Orhan
Страниц: 128
Книга закончена
Символов: 861175
Язык книги: Английский
From one of the most important and acclaimed writers at work today, a thrilling new novel-part murder mystery, part love story-set amid the perils of religious repression in sixteenth-century Istanbul. When the Sultan commissions a great book to celebrate his royal self and his extensive dominion, he directs Enishte Effendi to assemble a cadre of the most acclaimed artists in the land. Their task: to illuminate the work in the European style. But because figurative art can be deemed an affront to Islam, this commission is a dangerous proposition indeed, and no one in the elite circle can know the full scope or nature of the project. Panic erupts when one of the chosen miniaturists disappears, and the Sultan demands answers within three days. The only clue to the mystery-or crime?-lies in the half-finished illuminations themselves. Has an avenging angel discovered the blasphemous work? Or is a jealous contender for the hand of Enishte’s ravishing daughter, the incomparable Shekure, somehow to blame? Orhan Pamuk’s My Name Is Red is at once a fantasy and a philosophical puzzle, a kaleidoscopic journey to the intersection of art, religion, love, sex, and power. "Pamuk is a novelist and a great one…My Name is Red is by far the grandest and most astonishing contest in his internal East-West war…It is chock-full of sublimity and sin…The story is told by each of a dozen characters, and now and then by a dog, a tree, a gold coin, several querulous corpses and the color crimson ('My Name is Red')…[Readers will] be lofted by the paradoxical lightness and gaiety of the writing, by the wonderfully winding talk perpetually about to turn a corner, and by the stubborn humanity in the characters' maneuvers to survive. It is a humanity whose lies and silences emerge as endearing and oddly bracing individual truths."- Richard Eder, New York Times Book Review "A murder mystery set in sixteenth-century Istanbul [that] uses the art of miniature illumination, much as Mann's 'Doctor Faustus' did music, to explore a nation's soul… Erdag Goknar deserves praise for the cool, smooth English in which he has rendered Pamuk's finespun sentences, passionate art appreciations, sly pedantic debates, [and] eerie urban scenes."- John Updike, The New Yorker "The interweaving of human and philosophical intrigue is very much as I remember it in The Name of the Rose, as is the slow, dense beginning and the relentless gathering of pace… But, in my view, his book is by far the better of the two. I would go so far as to say that Pamuk achieves the very thing his book implies is impossible… More than any other book I can think of, it captures not just Istanbul's past and present contradictions, but also its terrible, timeless beauty. It's almost perfect, in other words. All it needs is the Nobel Prize."-Maureen Freely, New Statesman (UK) "A perfect example of Pamuk's method as a novelist, which is to combine literary trickery with page-turning readability… As a meditation on art, in particular, My Name is Red is exquisitely subtle, demanding and repaying the closest attention.. We in the West can only feel grateful that such a novelist as Pamuk exists, to act as a bridge between our culture and that of a heritage quite as rich as our own."-Tom Holland, Daily Telegraph (UK) "Readers… will find themselves lured into a richly described and remarkable world… Reading the novel is like being in a magically exotic dream…Splendidly enjoyable and rewarding… A book in which you can thoroughly immerse yourself." -Allan Massie, The Scotsman (UK) "A wonderful novel, dreamy, passionate and august, exotic in the most original and exciting way. Orhan Pamuk is indisputably a major novelist."-Philip Hensher, The Spectator (UK) "[In this] magnificent new novel… Pamuk takes the reader into the strange and beautiful world of Islamic art, in which Western notions no longer make sense… In this world of forgeries, where some might be in danger of losing their faith in literature, Pamuk is the real thing, and this book might well be one of the few recent works of fiction that will be remembered at the end of this century."-Avkar Altinel, The Observer (UK) далее
Corazón Tan Blanco

Corazón Tan Blanco

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Marias Javier (ES)
Страниц: 58
Книга закончена
Символов: 467293
Язык книги: Испанский
“ No he querido saber pero he sabido que una de las niñas, cuando ya no era niña y no hacía mucho que había regresado de su viaje de bodas, entró en el cuarto de baño, se puso frente al espejo, se abrió la blusa, se quitó el sostén y se buscó el corazón con la punta de la pistola...” Este es el ya legendario comienzo de un clásico contemporáneo, “Corazón tan Blanco”, cuyo protagonista y narrador, Juan Ranz, prefiere siempre no saber, consciente de lo peligroso que resulta escuchar: Los oídos no tienen párpados, y lo que les llega ya no se olvida. Traductor e intérprete de profesión él es ahora el recién casado, y en su propio viaje de novios, en La Habana, asomado a un balcón, es confundido por una desconocida que espera en la calle, y sin querer escucha una conversación de hotel. A partir de entonces “presentimientos de desastre” envolverán su matrimonio. Pero la clave de ese malestar quizás esté en su pasado, pues su padre hubo de casarse tres veces para que él pudiera nacer. Una novela hipnótica sobre el secreto y la conveniencia posible, sobre el matrimonio, el asesinato y la instigación, sobre la sospecha, el hablar y el callar y la persuación: sobre los corazones tan blancos que de a poco se van tiñendo y acaban sabiendo lo que nunca quisieron saber. далее
The Known World

The Known World

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Jones Edward P. (EN)
Страниц: 91
Книга закончена
Символов: 602113
Язык книги: Английский
Amazon.com Review Set in Manchester County, Virginia, 20 years before the Civil War began, Edward P. Jones's debut novel, The Known World, is a masterpiece of overlapping plot lines, time shifts, and heartbreaking details of life under slavery. Caldonia Townsend is an educated black slaveowner, the widow of a well-loved young farmer named Henry, whose parents had bought their own freedom, and then freed their son, only to watch him buy himself a slave as soon as he had saved enough money. Although a fair and gentle master by the standards of the day, Henry Townsend had learned from former master about the proper distance to keep from one's property. After his death, his slaves wonder if Caldonia will free them. When she fails to do so, but instead breaches the code that keeps them separate from her, a little piece of Manchester County begins to unravel. Impossible to rush through, The Known World is a complex, beautifully written novel with a large cast of characters, rewarding the patient reader with unexpected connections, some reaching into the present day. From Publishers Weekly In a crabbed, powerful follow-up to his National Book Award-nominated short story collection (Lost in the City), Jones explores an oft-neglected chapter of American history, the world of blacks who owned blacks in the antebellum South. His fictional examination of this unusual phenomenon starts with the dying 31-year-old Henry Townsend, a former slave-now master of 33 slaves of his own and more than 50 acres of land in Manchester County, Va.-worried about the fate of his holdings upon his early death. As a slave in his youth, Henry makes himself indispensable to his master, William Robbins. Even after Henry's parents purchase the family's freedom, Henry retains his allegiance to Robbins, who patronizes him when he sets up shop as a shoemaker and helps him buy his first slaves and his plantation. Jones's thorough knowledge of the legal and social intricacies of slaveholding allows him to paint a complex, often startling picture of life in the region. His richest characterizations-of Robbins and Henry-are particularly revealing. Though he is a cruel master to his slaves, Robbins is desperately in love with a black woman and feels as much fondness for Henry as for his own children; Henry, meanwhile, reads Milton, but beats his slaves as readily as Robbins does. Henry's wife, Caldonia, is not as disciplined as her husband, and when he dies, his worst fears are realized: the plantation falls into chaos. Jones's prose can be rather static and his phrasings ponderous, but his narrative achieves crushing momentum through sheer accumulation of detail, unusual historical insight and generous character writing. далее
Белое сердце

Белое сердце

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Мариас Хавьер
Страниц: 60
Книга закончена
Символов: 453558
Великолепный стилист Хавьер Мариас создает паутину повествования, напоминающую прозу М. Пруста. Но герои его — наши современники, а значит, и события более жестоки. Главный герой случайно узнает о страшном прошлом своего отца. Готов ли он простить, имеет ли право порицать?… далее
Мене називають Червоний

Мене називають Червоний

Оценка: 0 (0)
Писатель: Памук Орхан
Страниц: 115
Книга закончена
Символов: 797353
Язык книги: Украинский
Роман "Мене називають Червоний" автор назвав своїм найколоритнішим і найоптимістичнішим твором . Історичній детектив переносить читача у середньовічний Стамбул, куди після дванадцятилітніх мандрів повертається Кара і де він знаходить своє втрачене кохання. Незадовго до його повернення красуня Шекюре стежить у шпарину за найталановитішими малярами султана, що ночами навідуються до її батька, роблячи ілюстрації до якоїсь таємничої книжки. Але що це за книжка і що в ній зображено? Культури змінюються чи перетинаються? Як щезає традиційний світ? На ці питання намагається знайти відповідь Орхан Памук.   далее