O t h e r

Have disappeared fear of eros and nudity, false shame. The clothes have lost meaning of a chaste leaf covering genitals. A sexual bodies have lost mystical and prohibition meaning. The people have opened in sex new page of aesthetic pleasure, have taken the broadest scale of erotic tones, and have no hasten with sexual action. The sexual crimes have disappeared. Monogamy was not obligatory, polygamy have no condemned and even was encouraged. The family tragedies have disappeared.

When already mankind will proceed to use the little personal flying devices (aircars) and will refuse automobiles, trains, ships? You see, a construction of roads, bridges, tunnels, stations, underground, ports, moorings, their service, repair, cleaning, manage is extremely expensive, take away too many time, forces, resources, money. Will be reduced a number of failures, death, as in wide sky there is too much space for manoeuvre, isn't like on a narrow road or street. The fires, earthquakes, floods already will be not so terrible. The people will abandon houses through windows. There is no more necessity for lifts, ladders etc. The cargoes and garbage will deliver and take away by air. It have no more required to clean streets from snow. A consumption of power resources, pollution of a Nature will be reduced.

Till now, we have moved independently in a space; penetrating it; and were dependent from a time, that penetrated us. When a space will pass through a man and when a man will pass independently through a time, will be finished some cycle in the Universe development.

Few years back, I have written, that the future movies will be created by computers. A data about the movies heroes, about the time and territory when/where they lived will be entered in computer. The movies without the actors, operators, cascadeurs, make-up artist, other equipment person will be mounted on a screen. The place of the actor will be occupied by any man image, introduced into the conceiving machine. Something similar is made already now in cinema.

If take in attention that self-produced biomass at excess some volume can threaten to other nature, why instead of the alive limits (predators etc.) it was impossible to do a short-term life and low birth rate? To whom is necessary this eternal fear, reining in a Nature called < the struggle for existence>? Someone, who has created this so various world, had unlimited quantity of the material and energy. Differently, he would regret, that natural eternal <mincer>, rather interested to mill, than to revive, transforming with speed into ash his wonderful creations. Speak; the god such wise, and man such silly! The people forget, that man needs all time recuperate the mind, to accumulate on new the knowledges, which will not be fixed in generations, as the instincts, and will disappear with death a man or even earlier. This is the god's punishment! The people should learn to transfer the major information (saved knowledges, experience) their posterity, not by their training, and generically or with the help of programmed biocrates. However, then it will turn out, that the new generations will appear the hostages old philosophy of life, not trying them to reconsider. You see, that was correct and important for one time, will be inappropriate, inusible and absurd for another. Who will tuch this volume of old information billion gigabites? ==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+Qu’est-ce que je peux dire à propos de cette œuvre? C’est génial ! L’auteur, boute-en-train et philosophe, nous montre comment vaincre le (mal) pour toujours. Ses idées déséquilibrent, rompent le sinistre et funeste jeux entre le Bien et le (mal). Plus de victimes dans cette lutte éternelle! On met le point gras dans cette histoire même si ces deux côtés opposés ne sont pas d’accord avec ça.

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