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Also by L.N. Pearl

Ashley's Wet Dreams

The Last Kiss

The Last Kiss 2

The Last Kiss 3

The Dark Billionaire

The Setup








The Dark Billionaire #3

L.N. Pearl

By the same author:

The Setup – The Dark Billionaire Book #1 (FREE)

Broken – The Dark Billionaire Book #2

Dangerous – The Dark Billionaire Book #4

The Last Kiss 1 - Ashley's Wet Dreams (FREE)

The Last Kiss 2 - Ashley's Wet Dreams

The Last Kiss 3 - Ashley's Wet Dreams

My romantic suspense books (different pen name):

The Kiss of the Don 1 - Bad Boy Billionaire Series (FREE)

The Kiss of the Don 2 - Bad Boy Billionaire Series

The Kiss of the Don 3 - Bad Boy Billionaire Series

Copyright © 2013 by L.N. Pearl All rights reserved worldwide.

No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein.

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Blog: http://authorlnpearl.blogspot.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LNPearlAuthor

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/billionaireromancebooks

Check Bruce Wilson’s lifestyle in pictures: http://pinterest.com/authorlnpearl/billionaire-bruce-wilsons-lifestyle/

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter One

Jennifer was anxious. Although what she felt for Bruce didn’t change in any way, what she had read on this letter was disturbing news.

There was a chance that her plans for the future would be compromised, but it was outside her or even Bruce’s control, no matter how rich and powerful a man he was.

For the whole week, Bruce and Jennifer avoided talking about the paternity test. They were now waiting for the results, and any further discussion would be useless anyway. Bruce respected Jennifer’s decision not to tell him what she knew until the results of the test came out.

On Thursday night, Jennifer went to his mansion to spend the night with Bruce, and everything went smoothly and without conflict. That night, they watched an action movie in the home theatre located in Bruce’s office while drinking champagne in the Jacuzzi. At the end of the movie, Bruce switched channels. He was playing a porn movie and receiving a blowjob from Jennifer when he received a call from Tokyo.

“Hello... aww...” Bruce said, struggling to concentrate with his dick inside Jennifer’s mouth.

“Bruce, it’s Kenichi. Are you alright?”

Bruce quickly grabbed the remote control to lower the sound, looked at Jennifer and told her to stop with his hand. The situation was amusing, and Jennifer had no intention to stop. She decided to continue in order to make it difficult for Bruce to handle a proper conversation on the phone.

“Ye... Yeah, I’m good! Ohh... How are you Kenichi-san? Ahh!”

Bruce tried to make the call as short as possible: Jennifer knew he was about to cum very soon. She impaled her face on his shaft as deeply as she could, relaxing her throat and controlling her gag reflex. Her ass was against the Jacuzzi jets, the water caressing and massaging her pussy while she rubbed her clit.

Bruce was rolling his eyes and biting his fist. He told Kenichi that he needed to check his schedule and that he’d get back to him first thing in the morning.

As soon as he hung up the phone, he exploded in Jennifer’s mouth while she was stroking him vigorously at the same time, and fingering herself.

Bruce was completely overwhelmed by Jennifer’s skillful blowjob.

“Tomorrow, I want you to call Kenichi’s assistant.”

“Why? What did he want?”

Bruce cleared his voice. “Hum, to be honest I don’t really know. I couldn’t concentrate.”

“Haha! You’re an average multi-tasker at best...”

“You think so? Come here, and I’ll show you how I multitask...”

Bruce grabbed her hips and faced her. He engulfed his still rigid cock inside her empty channel, kissed her passionately, and inserted his middle finger deep in her tight ring.

Jennifer took Bruce’s face in her hands and moaned. “Mmmmmm!!!! You double fuck me?”

“Not too bad for an average multi-tasker, don’t you think?”

“God... Yeah... Uhh...”

That night, male-female parity was once again in favor of men: Bruce came for the second time whereas Jennifer climaxed only once.


“Bruce, I called Kenichi’s assistant. He was talking about a trip to Bangkok, Thailand last night.”

“Oh, really? I can’t remember. Why?”

“He’ll be there for a few weeks and would like you to join. He wants you to learn about his way of doing business in Asia.”

“Very interesting... I’ve never been to Thailand. I should definitely go. Contact them back and tell them I’ll meet him.”

“Oh, by the way, Mr. Schneider left you a message. He said he couldn’t reach you directly, and he insisted it was urgent, code six... It’s a secret language between you guys?”

“Yes it is. I want you to come with me.”

Surprised, Jennifer gave her instructions to Benny and left with Bruce to meet his lawyer.

“It’s about the results.” Bruce said on the way.

“You mean the paternity results? But don’t you think Mr. Schneider will wonder why I’m with you?”

“Don’t worry. He knows about us...”

When they arrived, Mr. Schneider didn’t waste time and went straight to the point. As Jennifer had expected, the results indicated the boy wasn’t Bruce’s son.

Mr. Schneider told Bruce he’d already confronted his ex-wife about it. “I’ve met your ex-wife before calling your office, Mr. Wilson. I’ve threatened her with a little legal mumbo jumbo and she finally told me the truth.”

Bruce crossed his legs and leaned back in his seat. The lawyer continued. “It’s pretty simple. She started having an affair with your former business partner, Shayne Carter, a lot earlier than the time she told you. Their relationship was at least six months old when she got caught.”

Jennifer shook her head. My God... I officially hate her.

Mr. Schneider took a document on his desk and gave it to Bruce. “This little boy is not from you, Mr. Wilson. The tests are clear. Most likely, his father is Mr. Carter... or someone else.”

Bruce frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Your ex-wife confessed that she and Mr. Carter expressed some remorse for what they did to you, and they ended their relationship before your divorce without your knowledge. But she quickly met someone else to... let me find her exact words...” The lawyer took his notebook and flipped a few pages. “There you go: to help her overcome the pain of losing the two men she loved at the same time.”

Jennifer exploded. “Bullshit!”

Bruce took her hand. He didn’t seem to be affected. “Calm down, Jen. What about the boy? Does he have enough to live decently? Or did she lie to us again?”

“Unfortunately, she told the truth about her finances. She has a very modest income, is working part time and is struggling to make ends meet.”

Bruce sighed and closed his eyes. “What can I do for the little boy? Is there a way I can take care of him somehow?”

Jennifer looked worried. “Bruce, are you sure?”

He raised his hand. “Today I have more than enough resources to help this little boy get a better start in life. Mr. Schneider, I’d like you to find me a way to help this kid.”