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The Unforgettable Billionaire Brothers

Book One

Violet Walker

The Unforgettable Billionaire Brothers: CHASE

Chapter One

Dammit!” Chase slammed down the phone in his office and turned to look over the rain soaked city. His father had a way of ruining his plans without really trying. He needed to get the acquisition of Steele Tech complete by the end of the week, what he didn’t need was to drive two hours into the countryside for whatever new decree Vance Silver would make. Chase knew it would be a decree of some sort because his father Vance loved to make his boys dance, loved to tell them how to run the business even though they had been running it—successfully—for years with very little input from him.

But Vance was also his father and he was getting old, so they all conceded to his wishes. He ran his hands through wavy brown locks and dialed for his assistant. “Brooke I need a moment, please.” Please dear god don’t let her be wearing another of those tight sexy librarian skirts. Chase didn’t know when it had happened but sometime during the past year he’d begun to notice his assistant. Hell, more than notice her. After five years working closely together he couldn’t stop thinking about her at work, or at home. In his dreams. Every. Single. Night. The way those skirts hugged her luscious ass and those fuzzy sweaters that clung to her breasts and small waist, all of it drove him mad. So he started coming in early so he wouldn’t have to see her sparkling green eyes and plump pink lips curved in a smile just for him. He hadn’t seen her at all today and he was grateful for that, only now he had no choice. What a fucking joke, he thought to himself, remembering the handful of assistants that had come before Brooke. They were all interested in Chase and had gone to creative lengths to get his attention.

“What’s up Chase?” Brooke walked, no she sauntered in and carefully sat down at one of the chairs in front of his large oak desk. His eyes were glued to her legs as she crossed one over the other. Brooke opened her tablet in a few swipes and looked to him for direction. “Chase? Sir? Is everything alright?”

He was startled out of his daydream and pinched the bridge of his nose. “No Brooke I’m not alright. Vance called.” She nodded her understanding and he continued. “He has summoned me and my brothers to Silver House.”

“Your country estate?” She had seen photos of the outside of the famed mansion in a gardening magazine at her grandmother’s house. There was a lavish rose garden, a wild English garden and a greenhouse. It was magnificent. She knew this trip to the country couldn’t have come at a worse time for them. “I’ll reschedule your meeting with the Steele brothers and have the financials couriered to you as soon as they arrive.”

He watched her swipe and tap the screen of the tablet resting on her lap, the perfect picture of efficiency. “Don’t bother. You can do it on the road. You’re coming with me.” Chase groaned at the seductive picture she presented, her flushed cheeks, those moist lips, the breathy gasp that left her succulent mouth. He felt his pants growing tighter under the desk and began to rethink bringing her with him. But he needed her. “Sorry Brooke but I need to work on this Steele Tech deal and I can’t do it without you. Who knows what Vance wants or how long we’ll end up staying.”

She could see the frustration and stress on his handsome face, his blue grey eyes practically silver against the gloomy sky behind him. “Very well sir. I’ll need to go home and pack a bag, but first--,”

Chase cut her off with a swipe of his arm across the air. “We don’t have time Brooke. Tell Rose everything she needs to cover your desk for at least a week, including where to send all information on Steele Tech. Call one of the Steele Brothers and see how they feel about meeting at Silver House and then we’ll stop at your place on our way out of town.”

She nodded as she rose from her seat careful to keep all emotion from her face. Back at her desk she plopped down and released a breath she didn’t even realize she had been holding. A week at Silver House with Chase Silver was a dream come true. At least it would be, if he realized she was a woman. Now however, it would just be torture.


They were close to Silver House. Brooke could tell because they were well into the countryside where people owned horses and each property was miles and miles apart. She sighed, happy to be here with Chase but not so happy that she’d had to cancel her date. She’d finally gotten the hint—5 years later—that nothing would ever happen between her and Chase and she had started to date again. Most of the guys were duds, like the financial planner who told her she had ‘breeding hips’, but Charlie was nice. And cute. And nice. And tonight would have been their third date. It was the sex date if she was being honest, but maybe cancelling was a blessing. She wasn’t ready for sex with Charlie, not when she still dreamed of hot, crazy dirty sex with Chase. She sighed again, this one thick with confusion and resignation.

“So you had a date this weekend?” Chase white knuckled the steering wheel, angry for feeling jealous when he had no right to and angry that he had to right to feel anything about her personal life. She nodded but kept her gaze on the passing fields. “I didn’t know you were dating.”

Because you never ask, she wanted to say but she didn’t. He was her employer not her friend so why would he? She shrugged. “How would you?”

He said nothing and they continued to drive in silence. Tortured, uncomfortable silence. Thirty minutes later they turned onto the long tree-lined driveway of Silver House. Brooke gasped at the magnificence before her. It was a massive Georgian revival style mansion with red brick and pristine white shutters on the dozens of windows facing forward. Just slap on some columns and call this place Tara, she thought cynically as she eyed the mansion. “This is Silver House?” She huffed in disbelief, may as well call it a cabin if we’re going for understatement of the century.