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“That’s so your shade.” She teased.

Jake Summit blindly painted a wooden sign with white paint, watching Maven and Henri talk to Miss. Lisa. He had also caught the tail end of their kiss. He dropped his brush into the paint tray, hopping down from the step ladder. He drew the back of his hand across his forehead, wiping the sweat away before approaching the three of them.

“Henri you can come with me, and I’ll show you what there is to work on,” Miss Lisa said leading Henri away. This was perfect timing.

Jake slung his shirt over his shoulder and tapped Maven on the shoulder. She spun around and gasped. “Jake.”

“Hey there, Maven.” He grinned. “Didn’t think you would have it in you to come.”

She couldn’t believe he was bothering her. She had hoped the day would go well, but already it was proving horrible. “Don’t let me keep you.” She shoved past, but Jake grabbed her by the arm.

“Oh, don’t be like that.” He brushed her hair from her shoulder, his fingers grazing her skin. “This used to be our thing. You always looked so cute painting in your little dresses.” His gaze fell to her dress. One she had worn several times on dates with Jake. Now she wanted to burn it.

“Isn’t Tatiana wondering where you are by now?” She bit her tongue before she said any more.

“Tatiana wasn’t allowed to come. She’s grounded.” He ran a hand through his hair, his tanned torso gleaming with sweat. Maven looked past his fit physique, disgusted at the sight of him. At one time she had found herself lusting over his body, but not anymore. It meant nothing to her.

“That’s right, she’s a junior,” she said under her breath. She and Jake were officially out of high school and he was dating Tatiana who would be a junior while they were off at college. He sure knew how to pick them.

“Her parents sort of walked in on us. You know…bad timing.” He stepped closer whispering in her ear. “Remember that night you snuck me in your bedroom and your parents almost found out?”

Maven looked away, pushing into Jake. “No, I don’t.” She lied. It was now nothing more than the biggest mistake of her life—the night she slept with Jake and many times thereafter. She turned away before he could see how upset he was making her.

“Those were great times, Maves,” he said from behind her.

“Go away, Jake.”

Jake smirked. “You can’t tell me you don’t think about you and me anymore.”

Maven pulled it together turning to face Jake again. “No. I don’t think about you and me anymore. There’s nothing to think about. You’re a big fat mistake, a regret I wish I could totally remove from my memory.” She kept a straight face daring him to say anything more.

“You moved on huh?” Jake shot a look in Henri’s direction. Henri was fast approaching with a gallon of paint and two brushes. “He’s kind of scrawny. A bit weird too. Doesn’t seem like your type.”

Maven ignored him. She had nothing to say, nor did she feel like she had to defend Henri or any guy to Jake. Jake meant nothing.

“I hear the kid has issues.” Jake really knew how to get under somebody’s skin. “I wonder what’s wrong with him. I’m sure it’s something dreadful.”

Maven slapped Jake in the arm. She pushed him next, almost taking down a group of girls walking behind them. “Just get the hell out of here, Jake!”

He stared at Maven, shocked she was lashing out at him. It wasn’t like her. He opened his mouth to speak.

“Nobody cares what you have to say!” She screamed before he could form words. “You cheated on me and lied to me our entire relationship. Why do you think I care what you have to say?”

Jake shook his head. The gathered crowd had heard every word and he felt stupid now. He didn’t like looking like an idiot. He pushed through the gawking crowd, taking off.

Henri dropped the paint at his feet, watching Jake hightailing it down the middle of the street, his tail between his legs. Whatever Maven had said really did a number on him. He looked over at her, careful not to step in her space. He knew Jake was a sensitive issue for her.

Maven brushed her bangs from her eyes, sniffling. She was crying as she made her way over to him, and doing a wretched job at hiding behind her hair so that the crowd couldn’t see her misery.

“I’m sorry. He just really knows how to get to me.” She lifted the paint. “You would think I would know how to ignore him by now. But he’s always right there in my face.”

Henri shrugged. “No worries, looks like he is long gone now.” He kneeled down, dipping a paint brush into the black paint.

“I swear this isn’t the way I usually am.” She took a deep breath, trying to smile in spite of all the tears that just kept fighting to come out.

Henri dropped his paintbrush. He took her face in his hands staring deeply into her eyes. Not uttering a sound just watching her emotions seep out in front of him. His thumbs dragging under her eyes taking care of every tear that escaped.

Maven squeezed his arm. “Thanks.”

Henri shook his head. “Don’t thank me. That guy is an idiot. Anyone who treats a girl like you badly is an idiot. And he doesn’t deserve your tears, so just turn them off and we’ll paint. But I’m not letting you go until all the tears are gone.”

Maven’s eyes fluttered, she took a deep cleansing breath. There were several girls from her school off in the distance watching Henri and her. Henri gained her attention again. “Forget about everyone. They don’t matter. Who cares if you cried, so what? Everyone cries. Just close your eyes.”

Maven did as he asked. “Okay.”

Henri looked over at the girls giving Maven dirty looks. It was amusing to all these people to see Maven’s unhappiness play out in public. He lifted her chin, placing a kiss on her lips. The world suddenly didn’t matter as he kissed her. Maven didn’t feel panicked any longer. She opened her eyes.

“Henri, you didn’t have to do that.” She touched his face. “I’m okay now.”

“I didn’t have to. I just wanted to.” He pushed her hair behind her ear for her. “They are not going to ruin your day.”

Maven nodded. It was hard to accept that anyone other than her family was willing to stand up for her, willing to be part of the gossip that seemed to always swirl around her.

“You ready to paint?” Henri said, kissing her cheek. He grinned, ignoring the shocked stares. Ignoring the whispers and every other detail, none of it mattered to him.

“Yes.” For once she didn’t drop her gaze to the ground. She looked the girls straight in the eye. She wasn’t going to back down. They quickly dropped their stares, turning back to their projects, leaving Maven and Henri to enjoy the day without judgment for once.



MAVEN AND HENRI, as well as the rest of the volunteers, packed it up and called it a night. Every decoration was now wearing a fresh coat of black, turquoise, or white paint—the colors of the Hop this year.

Colors that were beautiful to Maven, even before it was all set up. Miss. Lisa even admitted that this year she was hoping to string lights from the willows.

“Tired?” Henri asked Maven. He smiled at the soft shake of her head. She had worked harder than anyone else, doing each and every thing anyone asked of her.

“What about you?”

Henri considered being honest. Truthfully he was worn out from standing all day, painting huge backdrops. His entire body hurt, more than usual even. But instead he just said, “Just fine, nothing sleep won’t cure.”

Maven slipped her fingers in between his. “Thanks again for today. You saved me.”

Henri shrugged, humble like usual. “Don’t exaggerate.”

“I’m not. That was a really nice thing you did for me.” She brushed some messy hair behind her ear. Her fingers flecked with teal paint. “It was sweet.”