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F*ck Buddy

A Stepbrother Romance




Website: http://www.ScarletNorth.com


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This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, brands, incidents, and places are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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What part of f*ck buddy don't you understand?

It was just supposed to be a quick hook-up. At least that's what I had in mind when I agreed to meet the insanely hot guy on the dating website. The guy with the sexy eyes, and the killer smile... or smirk, as though he already knew any girl would want him. Or at least sleep with him. Because that's all it was supposed to be.

Until it wasn't.

The last thing I wanted was for stupid ‘girly’ emotions to get involved.  Guys can get away with casual sex and hook-ups, yet us women always seem to let our hearts get in the way.  Give me a break. I was fed up with losers, and determined to just have some fun for the first time in my life. No strings attached.  And you never know, maybe let loose and explore my darker side. Nothing as crazy as what Christian Grey might deliver, but something new...something different.

Well, believe me, I got different.  It was an absolute sexual awakening. A night unlike any other, and now I'm left wanting more. Much more.

That wasn't the plan. That wasn't what I signed up for.

Damn him... he wasn't supposed to be so intoxicating.  So wickedly addictive.  So incredibly perfect for me.

Except he isn't. He's the one guy I should never have slept with.   He was supposed to be a f*ck buddy, and now he isn’t just the man I can’t stop thinking about – he’s my damn stepbrother. FML.


Table of Contents




















About Scarlet North

Other Books By Scarlet


"Look, I'm sorry if I led you on."

Was he... actually fucking serious right now?

Jackie's brow quirked.

If he'd led her on? He was joking, right?

"What are you talking about, Colin?"

Slowly, he was transforming before her eyes from the caring, potential boyfriend she foolishly begun to categorize him as, into a predatory panty-sniffer who'd finally decided he had his fill.

Wide-eyed and obviously fumbling for a reason that would get him away from her as fast as possible, he just barely managed to stutter over his words. Running a hand through his sandy, brown hair, he took a breath and leaned back against the door frame.

His body language was crystal clear. She'd been welcome while she'd been a shiny new toy, but since that fateful (stupid) night she'd foolishly let him past the sacred gate, he'd learned she had substance.

Jackie didn't fit his bimbo stereotype.

Hence... the running shoes, and look of utter disgust on her face at the loser.

"I was only looking for a little fun, you know?"

"And... I wasn't?"

Colin smiled, the cobalt blues of his eyes flashing with the charm (that initially masked what an utter idiot he was) coming back online now. Jackie ignored the clean, masculine scent of him, and forced her eyes to keep from dipping below his waist to the one redeeming quality even his idiocy could never wipe from the happy vault in her memory.

Sighing, she folded her arms over her chest.

Smart girls don't ignore red flags.

"You're special, you know. The kind of girl a guy needs to invest in. But I don't have a lot of time with school, see..."

His words took on a rambling, amorphous monotone, and she suddenly felt like she was in a Charlie Brown segment as their meaning and distinction faded off from her. Colin Smith had become a rising star in the culinary world after his stint on the 'Chef Academy' reality show. Someone she'd stupidly let herself become star struck by. Not that she hadn't been warned to proceed with caution.

"Jackie? Did you even hear me?"

Blinking out of thought, she lifted her eyes from his abs where she'd trained her gaze, while she considered where her intelligence had gone when she'd let him conjure the panties off of her.

She, uh, hadn't heard a word after his pathetic attempt to 'let her down easy.'

"Sorry. I was... distracted."

Jackie grinned for good measure, the bedroom eyes the gods had gifted her with staring up at him innocently. No way was she giving him the satisfaction of seeing her faced etched with disappointment. She'd been a conquest. That much was clear now. Fine. But she'd leave him wondering if she'd actually wanted more than to get in his pants. A girl's got to maintain her dignity, especially surrounded by as many panty-hounds as there were at the 'Shoreline School of Culinary Arts.'

"I was saying-"

"Hey, can we talk about this later? I just came to grab my t-shirt. I have something at seven, so... my time is kind of short tonight. Sorry to cut you off."


His mouth formed a slight, surprised circle before he recovered it and flashed her a stock smile.

"Right. Forget it. It's not important. With the new commercial, I think my head is all over the place, you know?"

"Uh huh..."

Stepping past him into his dorm, Jackie searched through his piled up dragon-treasures of bachelorhood, gift boxes from hopeful sponsors, and empty cans of "study fuel" energy drinks, for her prized Skullz tee. It had been Roxanne's shirt before she left for Japan and decided to relieve her closet of some of the glittering frocks and concert, fan gear Jackie had been eying for years.

Jackie was angry as hell when she'd realized she left it at this jack ass's dorm. Not that she'd expected to get "the break-up spiel" when she came to retrieve it. She'd been sharing his bed for a few weeks now, surely long enough for her to pop up and get her things when she needed them.

It was amazing how easily guys got cold feet the minute a sexual arrangement began to look like it might actually be going somewhere. She shouldn't be surprised in this case, but... she sort of was. Colin had seemed different. Like he had more depth than most of the meatheads of their era. Ah, well. You live; you learn.

He was a charmer and the new figurehead for the graduating class. He'd probably been performing all of his life with nearly everyone he came into contact with. And she'd fallen for it. Shame on her for thinking he was different.