Bloodbreeders: Lies Beneath London By: Robin Renee Ray


other works by this author:

Bloodbreeders: Living in Darkness Book 1

Bloodbreeders: The Revenge Book 2

Bloodbreeders: Seeking Others Book 3

Arrival of the Prophecy

Uncertain Meanings

On a Cold Winter’s Night

  Dedicated to my Bloodbreeder ‘Fans’!

My fang babies and I… am grateful to them all~

Just to name a few:

Carol Fortin Michaniw

Jennifer Smith

Andrew Liebling

Lisa Kay Argo

Jordan Ray

Crystal Parks

Dale Morgan

DJ Ray




Bloodbreeders: Lies Beneath London

By: Robin Renee Ray

Bloodbreeders: Lies Beneath London is a work of fiction. Characters, names, place, incidents, organizations are a product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously.

By Robin Renee Ray

©Copyright Robin Renee Ray February 2014


“Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.”

Bloodbreeders: Lies Beneath London is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or places, events or locales is coincidental. These characters are purely of the authors imagination and used fictitiously.

This e-book contains material not suitable for readers 17 and under.

Licensing note: This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only, and may not be resold, or given away to other people. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

Published By: Robin Renee Ray

Edited By: Jeanette Ratajczyk

Copy Edited By: Jennifer Smith

Cover Art Work By: Rebel Angel Designs


It seemed time had stood still for me since the moment that I was taken from the farm that dark, dreary night; even though miles have passed under my feet and many lives have fallen due to my rage. Two years had gone by and yet it seemed like only yesterday when I last smelled my mother’s bread cooking in the oven. I remember passing faces that I called my own, coming into my so called new life, and leaving just as fast by the hand of another. All of which left me feeling like that of a drifting dream that lies on the edge of a waking nightmare. The woman I once was is long dead and nothing like the beast that I have now become. Some say it’s the blood that I have taken into my body that drives my hatred for what my kind does to their own and my pity for those who are enslaved knowing nothing about what they are, giving them a deeper fear into their already horrified state of mind.  I say it was inside me from the time my mother gave birth and it has intensified by the bloodbreeder that I now happen to be.

Those that follow me give their lives to stop the madness that has gone on since before the elders themselves, who for several thousand years have used the power of submission to control by way of domination. We are a small group that fights for the freedom of those being tortured and enslaved by breeders with a higher power, greed of money, and a sicker side of perversion. I have witnessed things that I could never have imagined and have walked among those who have taken life as if it were simply another daily chore. I have learned from them all as my own power grows inside the body that I finally claimed to be my natural state, and I have accepted the fate that had befallen me back in that little town of Burkett, Texas. I knew that even if my prayers were heard by only my own ears, that I had a purpose; to do everything in my power to stop the elders and all who gave support to them. If they choose not to take heed to our warning then, they too, would suffer the same fate as Mistress Yvette, and the horrid, infant killing Cortez.

We no longer came under the cover of secrecy, for the word of our most elaborated travels had been heard around the bloodbreeder world. We still hid for the hunt, though. We now watch our backs as much as we seek out wrong doers. Our journey has taken us into the heart of England, the home of the vilest and most outrageous prisons that our plight had carried us to, to date. I was just hearing about some of the lands true horror when we found ourselves running in darkness under the earth in the tunnels of London in search of one of our own. Tanda, whose echoing screams took the beat from our fearful hearts, had lost her way.

Chapter One

It felt like I had hit another stone wall, knocking out what little breath I had left in me. It was the shock of his glowing torch that took the words right out of my mouth. I sat there, staring up at the man who had created me, changing me from a lover of life to a woman who had more hate than she could carry. I saw Tanda’s smile turn to a frown when she saw the look on my face. She dropped Martin’s hand and kneeled down beside me. She was about to ask me something when the others came running towards us. Jacob was in the lead, but Derek pushed past him, pulling his blade and going right for Martin.

“No, he found me. He is her maker,” Tanda said, holding up her hands warning him not the swing.

“Are you alright?” Jacob asked, reaching out to help me up.

I nodded once, taking his hand, doing everything but looking at the one thing that I had craved seeing for as long as I could remember. I didn’t know if I wanted to scream out at him for causing me the loss of my family, blame him for all of the hardship that we had been through, or just rush into his arms. If he spoke kindly to me, the latter would be my first response. Derek’s glare spoke volumes and I could see his knuckles turn white as his grip tightened on the hilt of his blade. He was feeling both of our pain and I still wasn’t sure what he would do. It was Garvin that was the first to step up to Martin, pausing at first, and then took him in an embrace much like brothers.

“You look well my friend,” Martin said, causing a lump to form in my throat.

“We told you she would come back for us,” Tanda added, hugging him around the waist.

“She freed us, Martin…she is a good leader,” Garvin stepped back, gripping his shoulder.

“I can only imagine,” he replied, glancing over at me. “I have been searching for her for a long time.”

“Yvette made us lie,” Tanda said, lowering her head.

“But the bitch paid, didn’t she?” I smiled, dusting off my pants, as I continued down a tunnel that I had no clue where it led. I was, without a doubt, in a situation that I could not handle.

Derek snickered, walked past Martin like he wasn’t even there, and followed me deeper into nothing. Jacob caught up with his torch, and took the lead. “Are you going to say nothing to him?” Jacob asked in a low voice as I stepped in behind him. I glanced up and thought before I spoke, for a change.

“We need to find a safe place before dawn, right? So, can you just let me think and you lead the way?”

He smiled so big his fangs glowed in the light of the torch, seeming pleased that I had stayed strong while seeing my maker for the first time since he created me, or very shortly after. I couldn’t control my head from turning to see whether my maker followed, noticing he had a limp on his right leg. Little else had changed. His long black hair was still smoothed behind his ears, and the sharp curve of his jaw, which led to those beautiful lips, was absolutely perfect. I acted as if I was letting Tammy catch up and slid in behind Derek and Tanda, but I really wanted a better look at Martin. I was hoping, with me talking to Tammy, he wouldn’t notice me glancing. My thoughts came to a halt when I looked up and saw him looking directly at me, causing me to stumble into the back of Tanda, who was right behind Derek.