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Man Up


Danielle Sibarium

Man Up

Party Boy

First printing, 2015

Copyright © 2015 by Danielle Sibarium

Cover art copyright © by CT Cover Creations

Cover photograph copyright © by CT Cover Creation

Book design by Danielle Sibarium

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.

The persons and events portrayed in this work of fiction are the creations of the author, and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

Published by: Platinum Crest Solutions, LLC

Publisher’s Note: The author and publisher have taken care in preparation of this book but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information contained herein.

Printed in the United States of America


Caryn Bruce Buonocore. Thank you for your support!

Chapter 1

I lean across the bar and give the pretty girl behind it my sexiest, flirtiest smile. She's been checking me out all night. If I play my cards right her soaking, wet panties will be off in a matter of minutes.

"What are you doing from now until the sun rises?" I ask leaning on the bar to get closer to her.

"When I'm finished cleaning up, I'm going home to my boyfriend and then hopefully getting some sleep," she says pretending she has no interest in me.

I shake my head as I run my eyes up and down her rocking body. "You mean you're going to go home and fuck your boyfriend. Lucky shit. Wish I was tapping some of that."

"Come on, Cooper." Noah puts his hand on my shoulder and tries to pull me away from the bar. "Party's over, we're the last one's here. Sorry about him," he says to the beautiful bar tending wench as if I did something wrong. "He had a little too much to drink."

"Don't fucking apologize for me, you cock sucker." I laugh at the name I just called him. Noah sure as hell doesn't suck cock. Pussy maybe, never cock, that would be my father. And to add insult to injury, he just professed his undying love and affection for his boyfriend in front of a shitload of witnesses. Me? I want the girl.

"Look at her, man." I extend my arm out toward the beautiful red head. The red heads I've been with have been crazy-sick in the sack. I doubt she'd be any different. I can see the wild abandon in her eyes. "Hey baby, ever been with two guys at once? We could do it now, before you get on your way. You, me, and my buddy. We don't even need to go far. Right there behind the bar works for me. I could bend you over and . . ."

"Cooper! What the fuck is wrong with you!"

I let out a long sigh. Where the fuck did Lexi come from? I'm not going to hear the end of it now.

"Don't worry. I got him." Noah answers.

"I liked you so much better before she cut off your balls." I point to my sister, then look back at him. "Fucking prick. You're going to get some tonight, too. Aren't you?" I shove his shoulder, not quite alright with the idea of him leaving here and fucking my sister. "So listen, red." I focus again on the girl who's pants I want into. "Take a look at these abs and tell me you don't want to oil me up and get slick between the sheets." I unbutton my shirt, but for some reason, instead of looking at me, she walks away to wipe down the opposite end of the bar.

"Come on, Cooper. You need to get out of here. You're embarrassing yourself and your father."

"I'm embarrassing my father? Me? Are you serious? He's the one that just married a dude. A fucking dude! He's the one that should be embarrassed. I'm doing what I'm supposed to, I'm looking for some sweet pussy. How the fuck am I embarrassing myself? Unless, is that why you're with Lexi? Is it really me you’re trying to get with? Because dude, I don't . . . I mean I love you and all, but not in that way."

"You fucking wish you could snag someone as hot as me."

"Fuck, Noah. You're serious aren't you? You fucking want my cock."

He shakes his head. "You're a real dick, Cooper. You know that?"

"I'm all dick," I say, my eyes on the girl again. "Long, hard, dick, ready to go all night long." I say loud enough for her to hear me.

Noah isn't laughing as he pulls me away from the bar, away from the place the sexy vixen and I eye fucked. If only she'd get me off, then I could end my night on a high note. I don't remember the last time that happened. I let out a long breath.

"I was going to fuck her until you came along," I scold my friend.

"No, you weren't. She was just being friendly in hopes of getting a better tip."

"You don't know that."

"Lexi, can you hang with your brother a minute?"

She crosses her arms over her chest, glaring at me, while Noah goes back to talk to the girl I want riding me through the night. That shit just isn't fair.

"You better get your shit together, Cooper. Time is running out. You can't act like a selfish, self-centered prick forever."

"Fuck you, bitch."


Noah's back and he's in my face. They're like a tag team, these two. And I hate it.

"Watch how you talk to her, Cooper."

"She's my sister, so if I want to tell her to go fuck herself, that's my right."

"And she's my girlfriend, so if I want to kick your ass in her name, that's my right."

"You know, Cooper, this is one of those times I wish to hell that you weren't my brother, and that my boyfriend didn't have any association to you, because I truly believe you brought out the worst in him."

"What are you getting all bent out of shape over?"

"Dude, you fucking offered me up in a threesome."

I wave it off like it's no big deal and turn to my sister. "Like I'd let him in on the action. You really think I'd do that? You think I'd even let him look at her damn tits knowing he's with you? It was a test. If he jumped at the opportunity I'd have to kick his ass."

"I think you're so fucking out of your head right now, you don't know what the hell you're doing, so yes, I think you meant it."

"Even if I did, it's not like he's never been with anyone before you. He's had his share of tits and ass."

My sister lunges for me, but Noah grabs her around her waist and keeps her from making contact. I'm not sure what she'll do if she gets her hands on me. Maybe that's why I’m taunting her. I want to feel something, anything but the emptiness that has taken residency in every fucking cell of my body since I walked out on Selene.

"Enough of this. I've worked too hard to get her to leave the past where it is. Get your head out of your ass, Coop." Noah says with my sister wrapped in his arms as he walks away.

"Where are you going?"

"To our room," Noah says looking back over his shoulder. "I suggest you do the same."

I flip him the bird before they stop short and Lexi pulls her phone from her clutch purse.