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A thick silence enveloped us. We stood there, soaking in what Corinna Alkaev had just dealt her father, when finally, she clapped and stated, “Okay, so we’re leaving now, and you’re not going to see us again. Not ever. If you even try to look Lidi’s way, I will crush you like the fucking insect you are, you sad, bitter man.” Her harsh expression wavered a moment to reveal a deep sadness. “I loved you once.” She turned to her mother. “You need to leave him, Ma. He’s insane.” She warned her mom, “Get out while you still can.”

Igor’s fists balled and he uttered through gritted teeth, “You disrespectful whore.”

Cora ignored him, still looking at her mother. “Call me if you need me. I’ll support you in whatever you choose.” She smiled at the quiet older woman who now had tears in her eyes. “I love you, Mama. Always have. Always will.”

She turned on her heel and motioned for us to leave. “Come on. Let’s go.”

Cora walked us to our car and murmured, “Go. I’ll meet you at Nastasia’s.”

Lev didn’t stop to ask questions.

We got in the car and drove.

Cora and Nas were waiting for us as we stepped out of the car. I held out my arms. “What the hell was that?”

Nas turned to Cora and nudged her shoulder. “That’s what you call having game.”

Lev approached cautiously. “Please tell me that was not a bluff.”

Cora smiled at him. “No. Nas has a copy, and so does Sasha. My lawyer has one, and the last ledger is in a secret location.” She sighed. “Pappy will be royally fucked if he messes with you again.”

“Why?” he asked. “Why are you helping me?”

Cora looked down at the ground before speaking softly. “You said I was like family once. And families look after each other, have each other’s backs.” She paused. “I always felt more at home here than I ever did over there.”

Then Lev did something odd.

He stepped forward, wrapped his arms around Corinna, and hugged her. And this was no short hug. It lasted a full minute, at the very least. Cora slumped into him, reaching up and gripping his jacket tightly as she accepted the rare show of affection from a man who seldom gave it.

And I stood by, smiling like a loon.

He pulled back and cupped her cheek. “Thank you, Corinna. I’m in your debt.”

But she shook her head. “You don’t owe me anything. I just want Lidiya to be happy, and she’s happy here.”

That she was, the little munchkin.

A thought crossed me. “Are we sure Igor will heed the warning? He’s so cocky. Doesn’t seem like the type to worry about a threat.”

Cora’s brow rose. “Oh, he’ll listen.” She chuckled. “I emailed him back a copy of the documents just so he knows I’m not playing around.”

“Whoa,” I stated in awe. “You’re a badass motherfucker, Cora.” I smiled in appreciation. “I like it. It’s a good look on you.”

Nas cut in then, “Cora’s going to be staying here for a while, just until she gets back on her feet.”

Cora blanched. “Unless you don’t want me to.”

Lev replied sincerely, “Stay as long as you like. We have plenty of room.”

Nas nudged Cora and whispered, “Ask him.”

Cora’s brows bunched, and she shook her head discreetly.

Nas rolled her eyes. “Just ask him.”

“Ask me what?” Lev enquired.

Cora shook her head, looking mildly embarrassed. “It’s not important.”

Nas sighed loudly. “You realize she’s officially cut off now, right?” Lev nodded, but shrugged. Nas muttered uncomfortably, “She kind of needs a job, you know, to live.”

Lev looked down at Cora. “Can you serve drinks?”

“I don’t know. I never tried,” she replied.

Ooh! Ooh!

I raised my hand like a first-grader, not even bothering to mask my excitement. “I can teach her.” I looked to Cora with a smile. “I can teach you.” I shrugged. “If I can learn, so can you. And I was terrible when I started.”

Nas tilted her head in thought, half-chuckling at the memory. “You really were.” At my indignant, “Hey!” she then turned to Cora and shrugged. “She really was.”

Lev nodded. “Okay, it’s settled then. You’ll work at the club.”

Cora’s shoulders slumped in relief and she let out a sincere, “Thank you.”

Lev merely responded, “We’re family. We look after each other.”

Oh, man, he was so getting laid tonight.

Chapter Forty-Eight


Cora’s first night went off without a hitch. She was a natural, and thanks to the two of us being the same size, she was able to wear the Red Riding Hood outfit Birdie had bought for me. I told Birdie to put in another order for costumes in my size, but different to the ones I had. Birdie told me that it would take a couple of days, and that was okay. I didn’t mind sharing with Cora until then.

When I went to tell her about the subtle flirting for tips, I noticed she’d already been doing it. When I thought to mention the house blend bottles full of iced-tea, Cora had already figured it out. And when I saw her lean over the bar to place a kiss on a big spender’s cheek, I was a little miffed. It was clear I wasn’t needed.

The girls on stage were dancing out a routine to Rihanna’s “Bitch Better Have My Money”, and I was mesmerized. They swayed their hips delicately, their breasts hidden behind sparkling pasties, and their expressions were sultry. They really were beauties, our Diamond Dozen.

Halfway through the night, I turned to find my brother sitting at the bar right in front of me, wearing a slight grin. I squeaked in surprise then threw myself over the bar to wrap my arms around him. I laughed in his ear, “How long were you watching me stare into space?”

He hugged me back then kissed my cheek. “Only a minute.” He pulled back and began, “I need to t—” But he stopped midsentence, losing his focus when his gaze landed on Cora. His brow furrowed. “Who’s that?”

I turned to blink at Cora then turned back to him. “Corinna Alkaev. She’s new. Started tonight. She’s a friend of the family.”

But Alessio was lost to her, and I hid my grin. He shook his head lightly before starting again. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

I looked around the bar. There were a lot of people waiting, and with Nas, Cora, Anika and me all working our tails off, I grimaced. “Any chance you could wait five minutes, just until I help with this crowd?”

Alessio smiled at me, and I could’ve sworn I saw pride there. “Take your time. It can wait.”

He waited ten minute without batting a lash, and finally, when the intermission crowd slowed, I motioned to Nas that I was stepping out. She winked at me and I walked around the bar, linked my arm through Alessio’s, and made our way to the only free space in the club by the bathroom walls. “What’s up?”

He hesitated, and when he started to talk, it was cautious. “So, you have to know that Enzo was loaded, right?”

I thought about this then shrugged. “I didn’t know that, no.”

What did that have to do with me?

Alessio nodded. “He was. And I got his inheritance.”

I looked up at him. “And so you should have.”

He shook his head. “But I’m not his only kid. You’re his kid too. And I want to share it with you.”

Oh. I understood. He felt an obligation to me.

My heart swelled and I warmed with happiness. I smiled up at him, reaching up to cup his scarred cheek. “You’re sweet, Alessio, but no. I don’t want it.”

He took my hand from his cheek and squeezed it. “Too late, Mina. It’s already in your bank account.”

I pulled back, my brow furrowing. “What?”

Alessio held onto my hand, refusing to let go. “I spoke to Lev last week. He agreed that you could use the money, and the freedom this kind of money brings. He wants you to be set, and so do I.” His grip on my hand gentled. “He was a shitty father, Mina. The money isn’t everything, but he owed us at least that much.”