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  • Obsidian

    Laurann Dohner

    Book 8 in the New Species series.

    Special thanks to Mr. Laurann—you inspire me constantly with your love and friendship. Thanks to Kele Moon—the best friend and critique partner a person could have.

    And thanks to Ditter—for your adoring worship of all things Species.

    Chapter One

    Dr. Allison Baker knew what it was like to lose patients. She’d sat next to them and held their hands as death hovered to take them away after their last breaths. It was part of the job and it came with the territory to understand that some battles couldn’t be won. It wasn’t something a textbook could teach but experience and loss had burned that lesson deep into her soul. It was why she’d left the hospital to become a member of the NSO medical staff. They represented hope and new life.

    Her gaze flicked over the monitor readings and helplessness settled in. Her patient wasn’t improving but he wasn’t growing worse either. Limbo sucked. She gripped the cold metal railing that would prevent him rolling out of the clinic bed but it wasn’t needed. He didn’t move, wouldn’t wake, and hours had passed into days. Then weeks.

    Eventually months.

    The male New Species had really long, silky black hair and it shone from being washed and brushed. She’d tenderly cared for it as if it were her own. Small, thin scars marred handsome, fierce features. His lips were really full and plush.

    His nose was a bit wide, a little flat, and his cheekbones jutted out, pronounced. Tape kept his eyes closed but she knew their chocolate-brown color well. Every day she removed it and hoped she’d see a response in his pupils. It hadn’t happened.

    “Doc Alli?” The gruff male voice startled her.

    She glanced over her shoulder at Destiny. He was a big primate Species with pretty brown eyes and really long eyelashes. He stepped into the room and his mouth curved downward.

    “What’s up?”

    “You shouldn’t be in here. You know the rules.”

    Her focus returned to the man who lay meekly on a bed with tubes and needles attached to him.

    “He hasn’t woken and it’s driving me crazy. His wounds have healed, he’s got brain activity and I’ve run every test I can think of on him. So have the other doctors. What am I missing?”

    “He could become conscious and you’d be in danger.” Destiny moved to her side, his big body only inches away. “He could hurt you if that happens. He’ll believe he’s still at the mercy of Mercile Industries and you’re human. He’d consider you the enemy.”

    “I wish he would attack me. He’d be awake then.”

    He growled softly. “The rules state that you aren’t allowed to enter this room without me or another Species male present. The officer was gone and I scented you down here. Where is Book?”

    “He went to lunch.” She hesitated. “He locked the door but I know where you keep the key.” She shrugged, not bothering to apologize for what she’d done. “I come in here sometimes when one of the officers takes a meal break. I’m always hoping for a change.”

    “He has no will to live.”

    “I won’t accept that as the reason. I just don’t understand what physical injury I’m missing. His body is healed. He should have come out of the coma. I ordered new drugs to try and hopefully they will bring him around.”

    Destiny remained silent for long seconds. “Perhaps we should remove the feeding tube and allow his body to finish what his mind started.”

    Horrified, she jerked her head around to gape at him. “No!”

    “We discussed it.” Sorrow filled his eyes. “We know so little about him, except he lost his mate.

    She died in front of him and he injured himself attempting to end his suffering. He has no reason to fight to survive.”

    “Who discussed stopping intervention?”

    “Everyone. There is no dignity in forcing him to live when his will is not there.”

    “Screw that.” Her temper flared. “There could be a medical condition that we haven’t diagnosed yet. We just don’t know for sure.” She stared at the scarred face that she’d grown to care for so deeply. “I won’t give up on him.”

    “You’re a good female with a kind heart.”

    Destiny reached out slowly and curled his big, warm hand over one of hers. “You’re suffering more than he is. It might be better to allow nature to take course.”

    “It’s ‘allow nature to take its course’ but no damn way.” She jerked her hand from beneath his and shook her head.

    Her teeth dented her bottom lip while she worried over the decision others could make. She was the patient’s doctor but she had bosses. The NSO pulled her strings. “There’s something I’m missing and I just have to figure it out.”

    “I came to bathe his body. I was informed that Field washed his hair this morning.” He hesitated. “You brushed it out for him.”

    “Yeah. It was tangled. Field is becoming a great nurse but he’s not very good at things like that.”

    “We’re learning.”

    “You’re doing a great job.” She flashed him an encouraging smile.

    “You need to leave while I bathe him.”

    “Of course.” New Species were weird about allowing the opposite sex to see an injured one of their own naked. She understood, respected it, but she was a doctor. Part of her was curious since she’d never seen a Species male totally bare from the waist down but she wasn’t a voyeur either.

    She’d feel perverted if she stayed. “Call me if anything changes.”

    “It will not. He lost his mate and he no longer wishes to live.”

    She turned away from the bed but paused by the door. She studied the Species nurse-in-training. “Do you really think that’s it?”


    “What exactly is involved with a mating?

    Maybe that’s the answer.”

    “You know as much as I do.”

    “I know that men choose a woman and they are loyal to her once they decide she is it for them. I know they get loud during sex and are extremely protective but what are the physical symptoms?”

    He hesitated. “We scent imprint our females.”

    “So you smell a woman and know she’s the one for you?”

    “No.” He faced her. “Our feelings become involved. We spend a lot of time with them and become addicted to their scent.”

    “You rely heavily on your senses.”


    Allison chewed on her bottom lip again, thinking. A crazy thought came to her. “What if we got him interested in a new scent?”

    “What do you mean?”

    “I mean what if he learned a new female scent?

    He’s breathing through his nose and he’s got to be partially aware since there’s brain activity. If he shut down because he lost one woman, maybe he’d wake for another one.”

    Destiny frowned. “I don’t think it would work.”

    Her gaze lingered on her patient. “Do we really have anything to lose?”

    “We’d have to find a female to spend a lot of time in his room.” He shook his head. “None of our women would do it. What if it worked and he woke?”

    “We’d get him therapy if his mind is fractured.

    He’d at least be talking and alert. We can work with that.” Her hand lifted and she waved in the direction of the bed. “Right now we can’t do anything but keep him alive.”

    “Mating is not just about scent.”

    “When you bathe him does his body respond at all?”

    “I don’t understand.”

    She hesitated, not sure how to broach the subject so just decided to be blunt. “Does he get an erection?”

    Shock widened his dark eyes. “No. You are referring to his dick?”

    “Yes. I assume you clean him there and have to touch him. Does he respond to stimuli in that region?”


    “Maybe he knows you’re male.”

    Destiny frowned. “I don’t fondle him.”

    She smiled. “I didn’t think you did.”

    He wasn’t amused.

    “What’s the worst that could happen if we brought in a woman?”

    His features hardened. “You’d risk him becoming addicted to a female’s scent and he could attempt to claim her if that were to happen. Our females don’t want to be mated. It would be cruel to have him wake for something he can’t have.”