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But she could be smarter and stronger with John.

Lexi pulled her hands out of his, tossed her napkin down, and stood. “I need to leave.”

John reached out, grabbing her elbow and keeping her from moving. “Where are you going?”

“I just…you don’t understand what I’ve been through. And you don’t understand what all of this is doing to me.”

“I’d like to know what it’s doing to you,” John said, his eyes traveling up and down her clingy black dress.

“See, that’s exactly it,” she said, taking a seat when people started staring at her. “There’s someone I know who’s a lot like you—who you’ll probably get to meet him now that you’re working on the Bridges medical wing. And…you don’t even compare to him.”

John’s eyes narrowed. The anger flared up easily at the comment. She knew it would. It was harsh.

She pushed forward anyway. “He can look me in the eyes, and I’m putty in his hands. Just one look—that’s all he needs. He doesn’t even need your words,” she said, wanting him to understand. “And I never want to be like that again. It’s destructive, and it’s…wrong for the other people in my life. So, I think I should go. If you think that I’m going to fall at your feet with a few charming words and a smile, you’re sadly mistaken. You’ve got the wrong girl. Because…I’m not that girl anymore.”

John cracked a smile, his arrogance returning. “There’s no comparison. Whatever happened in your past is simply that…your past. If you keep living in it, you’ll always compare—always. But I don’t want the girl who falls at my feet with a smile. There are plenty of those around. I like you—the one who puts up a fight.”

“So, is that it? You just like me for the chase then?” she snarled.

John chuckled. “Baby, I’ve already fucked you. I won that chase.”

Lexi shook her head. He would get it eventually, but not today. “Sleeping with me was only part of the chase,” she said calmly. “To be honest, I’ve given it up for less. The chase is getting me to commit. While you don’t know my past, the first thing you should know is that I avoid commitment at all costs.”

John didn’t have a charming retort to that.

“Thank you for dinner. I’m sorry I can’t stay,” she said, standing again. “I’m sure I’ll see you again in Atlanta. I hope we can still be civil…under the circumstances.”

With that, she turned and walked right out of the expensive restaurant. She hadn’t even made it past the first course, but she knew that she had made the right choice.

Lexi walked out of the restaurant and pulled her phone out of her purse while she hailed a cab back to her apartment. It rang three times as she tried to get a hold of Chyna. As it had happened every day during the past week, it went straight to voice mail. This time, Lexi knew she needed to leave a message because Chyna needed to hear her what she had to say. And she couldn’t just go over there tonight to tell her.

The voice mail beeped.

“Chyna, it’s Lexi. I guess you probably already knew that. I just wanted to call to tell you that you were right. It was a date, and I didn’t want to see it. I guess I don’t normally want to see things that you point out. So…sorry,” Lexi said with a sigh. “I left. I just walked out. You mean more to me than any guy could ever mean to me. I hope you call me back, and we can work this out. Anything that has happened isn’t worth losing you. You’re the one thing that I can’t replace. It seems like there are always guys around but never friends—not like you. I’ll never find another friend like you, Chyna. So, I know this is kind of a long voice mail. I just wanted to tell you that you were right and that I’m sorry. I just hope we can move past this. So, call me back, chica. I love you. Bye.”

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“You’re sure you’re ready?” Ramsey asked for what felt like the hundredth time.

“Yes,” Lexi said. She smoothed out her burgundy sundress and then looked up into his green eyes. “I’m ready.”

“Then, we should probably get going.”

“All right.”

Lexi grabbed a cardigan and then followed Ramsey out of their apartment and into his Mercedes. They were having brunch with his family at the country club to break the news to them about their engagement. Lexi had called her parents the day after speaking with Jack about his divorce. She couldn’t hold out any longer, and she didn’t want Ramsey to think that she was purposely holding off. She wasn’t.

She thought it might have been nice to invite them to the country club to find out at the same time as Ramsey’s parents, but then Lexi was afraid it might seem strange. Her family came from a completely different world. She doubted her parents would be any more comfortable with the lifestyle than Lexi was.

She still hadn’t spoken with Chyna though. Her reaction would cement this all into reality. Even though she was wearing the big, sparkly diamond ring on her left ring finger, it still felt like someone else’s fantasy.

Her eyes wandered to the ring, and she sighed softly. Jack didn’t know about the ring either. There was no way she could have told him after pulling the ring off her finger when she had seen him. She still felt a little sick about the fact that she hadn’t had the guts to wear it around him.

But then, he had gone and pulled out fucking divorce papers. What was she supposed to do with that? Nothing. She wasn’t supposed to do anything with that. She would find him a good divorce attorney and let him get himself out of his own mess. She didn’t want to be involved with any of that—not if she wanted to keep her sanity.

Telling Ramsey about the divorce had been even more awkward than when Jack had told her about it. Ramsey’s family was actually inherently against divorce. His parents had stayed together through really hard times, and even when they wouldn’t even sleep in the same bed, they had worked it out. Ramsey had been shocked, and considering his family, it was pretty shocking.

But…it was also Bekah. She did whatever the fuck she wanted. The only thing she cared about was herself. Since she was the one claiming Jack had cheated on her, she would play the victim until the very end.

What Jack’s attorney would need to do was make her look the opposite and show Bekah for who she really was. Jack would never come out ahead if Bekah made everyone feel sorry for her.

If Lexi were on the case…

No, she wouldn’t go there. She wasn’t going to analyze the situation. She did not want to be involved.

Right before Ramsey had been about to leave to call his sister, he had stopped and asked, “What did Jack say about the engagement?”

His face had been strained, and she had felt bad that he still sometimes got that look in his eye.

“It, uh…didn’t come up,” Lexi had told him with a shrug. “We started talking about the divorce, and that took up the whole conversation.”

Ramsey had nodded. “You’re going to tell him, right?”


There was no way she wanted Jack to hear it from anyone else. But she hadn’t wanted him to be the first to know either.

Now, she and Ramsey were on their way to let everyone know. After today, she would have to tell Jack before it got back to him. She would have to tell Chyna, too. She wanted to marry Ramsey. She did. So, she just needed to get past her fears—starting today.

Ramsey reached out and laced their fingers together as he raced up the interstate. “I’m excited.”

Lexi looked out the passenger window at the cars whizzing by. “Me, too.”

Truth be told, she was nervous as hell. Ramsey’s parents weren’t exactly against her, but they certainly hadn’t welcomed her with open arms. She was sure that part of it had to do with Bekah and walking out on her wedding. There wasn’t much Lexi could do on that front, and she just hoped that they would be supportive of Ramsey. They didn’t have to treat her like a daughter, but she wanted them to treat Ramsey with the respect he deserved. He had founded the medical wing for them—even if he had done it on his terms.