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My stomach filled with butterflies, my voice quivered as I spoke. “It’s the same for me, Kayden; I just want to make sure I don’t become just another girl to you. I have to think about it.”

“Sophia, I don’t want another notch on my bedpost. I want to spend time with you. I want to show you this amazing city; you could use a little fun in your life—wipe away the navy blue.” Navy blue, I stopped seeing Bob weeks ago. I couldn’t pretend to be interested anymore. I wanted to be home to talk with Kayden, my fantasies and daydreams were far better than anything Bob could deliver. “I’ll keep my hands to myself… I’ll be a gentleman. Come on, just a weekend.”

“So you don’t want to have sex with me, then?” I covered my mouth. What the fuck did I just say?

“Fuck, yes I do,” he said, causing my core to pulse, “I plan on it, you won’t be able to resist me.” He drew out his last words, my body breaking out in a blanket of goose bumps.

“Well it’s nice to know your self-esteem is still tact,” I said.

“What’s stopping you?” he asked.

“I’m not used to sharing, Kayden. I’ve never slept with anyone that I haven’t been in a relationship with; I need to decide if it’s something I can do.”

“I haven’t seen any other women since I started talking with you. I couldn’t do it. You’re all I think about morning until night, I even dream about you.”

“Oh,” I whispered, my heart pounded in my chest, “I thought when you disappeared, sometimes for an hour, that you were with someone.” My body warmed with the knowledge that he hasn’t been spending time in bed with anyone.

“Baby, I need way more than hour. What kind of men have you been with?” he asked with a chuckle.

“I’ll let you know, soon,” I said.

His breathing increase, “If you don’t come here, I’ll come there, Sophia.”

“Okay Kayden, we’ll see if you can find me first,” I laughed into the phone, “Go back to work.”

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I thought all week about spending time with Kayden. The positives outweighed the negatives; I couldn’t deny the pull he had over me. I needed to act on my feelings or break whatever this was off… He was becoming distracting to any possible happy future that maybe waiting on me, not involving him. My heart ached at the thought of Kayden not being in my life. He’s become a fixture, a necessity to me like the air I breathed.

Kayden: Well, since you can’t seem to make up your mind, I came to you Sophia.

Me: What?

My stomach dropped and I could feel my heart beating faster.

Kayden: I told you last week, if you didn’t come to me, then I’d come to you.

Me: You’re lying, you aren’t here.

My heart hammered against my rib cage. I looked out my bedroom window, but didn’t see him.

Me: I don’t see you.

Kayden: Look out the front door.

Fuck, did he really know where I lived? I walked towards the front door, my body shaking.

Kayden: I’m kidding, Sophia, just thought I’d get your heart pounding.

Damn. I felt sadness at his words; I wanted him to be outside my door. My want for him outweighed any fear I had of him.

Me: You’re such a dick.

Kayden: I’m not there now, but I do know where you live.

Me: No you don’t, what’s my address?

My palms grew sweaty against the plastic of my phone as I read my address on the screen. My mouth dropped open in shock.

Me: How?

Kayden: The messenger chat shows where you are when you message me with your phone kiddo.

Fuck. I never paid much attention to the details in the chat window. I knew it said a city, but never knew it showed an exact location. I tapped on his message and I could see the street and location of where he was at this very moment.

Me: OMG. I never knew that. I always thought I was untraceable. I thought this was safe.

Kayden: Are you saying I’m dangerous, Sophia?

I didn’t feel physical danger from Kayden, but I knew he could break my heart.

Me: Nah. I don’t think you would hurt me, but I think you would turn my world upside down. I’ve always steered clear of men like you.

Kayden: No wonder you’re still looking for that great love. You’ve maneuvered yourself to all the wrong men.

Me: Who would be the right type of man?

I wanted Kayden to be the right type, but there was a problem… He didn’t want a girlfriend.

Kayden: You need a little trouble in your life… some excitement. You’ve stayed safe too long, and what did it get you?

Me: Navy Blue.

Kayden: Exactly, time to add some other color, baby doll.

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The Great Picture Show

I needed to draw her to New Orleans. I wanted her to see how beautiful and special this city was. I was heading down to Bourbon Street with my roommate, John, to enjoy the best NOLA had to offer.

Sophia: I’ll miss chatting with you all night.

How could she think I could leave her behind? She still hadn’t given me an answer on coming to New Orleans. I’ll tempt her with the sights of the city, the allure in its beauty.

Me: I’m taking you with me Sophia.

Sophia: What do you mean?

Me: I’m going to bring my tablet, take pictures, and send them to you. I want you to experience the city with me.

Sophia: Really? You’re going to give me a tour of the city?

Me: Yes, I want you to see the beauty and the fun. I want you to want to come see me.

John and I headed out the door to catch the street car down Canal Street. I looked around and wanted to start the tour off right.

“Hey John, can you take a picture of me?”

“Sure thing,” John responded as I looked around for a great spot.

My eye caught a large DANGER sign spray painted on a cement separator… perfect. I stood next to the sign and made sure it remained in full view. John snapped the picture, and I quickly walked over to view it. I knew I was dangerous to Sophia, unlike any man she had been with, but I wanted her. I wanted to draw her in as deep as I could.

Me: The start of the tour.

Sophia: Are you trying to tell me something?

I laughed, Sophia knew how my mind worked somehow.

Me: Me? Never.

Sophia: Where to next?

Me: Down to Bourbon Street. Ready? The streetcar is here.

I sent her pictures of the inside of the streetcar and the stops along the route to our final destination. I snapped pictures of the buildings and the people all dressed for a night of fun. I couldn’t even leave the house for an evening and not find a way to make her part of it. I needed to talk with her. I had feelings for her already, but I’ve never met her. I felt a connection with her unlike any I had experienced.

Sophia: It’s beautiful and so different.

I sent her a picture of a beautiful courtyard that was filled with flowers and tables, and a fountain stood in the center of the courtyard flowing with water and glowing.

Me: I want to sit in this exact spot with you and sip on a drink. I want to share all of this with you in person.

Sophia: I’d rather be there with you than sitting on my couch right now.

Me: Look at this.

I spotted a few girls with body paint decorating their bodies. They didn’t have shirts on, but the paint helped mask their nudity. They were taking pictures with random men on the street for money. I snapped a picture from a distance and sent it to her.

Sophia: Wow. They have no shirts on, and that guy is basically grabbing her boob.