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Untangle Me _21.jpg

Untangle Me _9.jpg


I know I shocked and scared her with my tattoo. It seemed through all of our chats that no one had ever done anything special for her. I knew this was an extreme act—a permanent act, but she needed to know how important she is to me. She questioned my faithfulness, and I felt this would help calm her worries. I knew she’d be mine, forever... I would make sure of it. I’d give her everything I had to make her want no one else. I’d do my best to love her like she has never been loved before.

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I’d to run into Lisa during our trip. I wanted her to see Sophia and her beauty. I wanted everyone to know she’s mine—especially Lisa. She tried to destroy us, but Sophia listened long enough to forgive me. Lisa had always been a controlling bitch, not overtly, but the cunning type. Her pussy blinded me to the venom spewing from her mouth for far too long. Her fangs pierced my skin, but didn’t leave a permanent scar on my heart.

Sophia brought my heart back to life. She radiated good girl, but died to be naughty. It was more than just sex for me, though. I adored her and wanted to cherish her. She needed to know that she wasn’t just another woman to me; she is “the” woman. Mine. Always.

I shuffled out of bed, careful not to wake Sophia. I knew she loved coffee and wanted to find her the perfect cup. I stopped by the front desk to ask for their help. They gave me directions to a café nearby to accomplish my task. I needed to be quick though; Sophia didn’t always sleep in and would notice my absence when she began to stir.

The shop was around the corner and the aroma filled the street. I ordered her a large caramel something or other. I have never been a coffee drinker, but I know she liked her coffee sweet and light. I ordered a small for myself because the smell sucked me in, and I’d catch hell if I finished hers before getting back to the room.

I slowly opened the door, trying to avoid waking her, while balancing the two drinks in my hand. I could see her body wrapped in the sheets, holding a pillow tightly against her chest. I placed the cups on the nightstand, and leaned over to kiss her lips. She kissed me back without opening her eyes.

“Morning, beautiful,” I said, backing away.

“I woke up and you were gone. Where’d you go?”

“I figured you’d need a fresh cup of coffee.” My eyes watched as she began to stretch, but quickly sat up when she heard the word coffee.

Her eyes darted around the room. “You went and got me coffee, really?”

“Yes, silly girl.” I reached for the cup on the nightstand and handed it to her.

She cradled the cup in her hands, sniffing the tiny opening on the white lid. “It smells heavenly. Thank you, Kayden.”

“We have a long drive ahead, and I thought you’d want one before we left.”


“What?” I asked.

“I’m so nervous to meet your parents. What if they don’t like me?”

“They will adore you. My mom already thinks you’re the best thing to happen to me,” I told her.

“You’ve talked to your mom about me?” Her eye brows rise.

“Yes, I couldn’t wait to tell her about you. She was impressed you’re a librarian. I told her everything.”

“Everything?” Her eyes were almost popping out of their sockets.

“She’s my best friend and I share the good and the bad with her.” I told her with a laugh.

“Oh my God, you didn’t tell her about our sex life, did you?”

“Not all the details, but she knows if you’re with me that you have a freaky side.”

“Fuck. How can I look her in the eyes now?” She said covering her eyes.

“My mom’s the least judgmental person I know and she loves you already. Don’t worry so much, Sophia. Not many women I’ve dated have actually met my mom. You’re only the third and one was my ex-wife.”

She shook her head not believing my words. I couldn’t wait for her to meet my mom. She’s different from any other woman I’d been with. I rarely introduced women to my mom; she worried enough without meeting the menagerie of women that strolled through my life. They weren’t the type to bring home and introduce to the parents, but fucked and left.

“Want to grab breakfast and sunbathe before we leave?” I asked.

“Yes, as long as your parents don’t mind us showing up later.”

“Nah, we’ll meet them at the club later. I’ll text my mom and let her know.”

Sophia grabbed some things from her bag and changed in the other room. I couldn’t wait to see her in a swimsuit, she always covered her body. The bathroom door opened slowly.

“You ready?” she asked.

“I’m dying here. Come out.”

A leg emerged from the opened doorway, but I couldn’t see the rest of her.

“Sophia, lemme see, already.”

“You’re not going to be happy,” she said, hidden from view.

She hopped from the doorway into the room throwing her arms in the air playfully.

What the fuck is she wearing? The only skin visible was her shoulder, arms, and legs.

“That’s not a bathing suit, babe. Turn around.” She twirled in a circle as the skirt lifted barely showing her ass.

“Yes it is.” She placed her hands on her hips, ready to argue.

“I’m buying you a real suit today. One that shows off that fucking knock-out body you have underneath that thing.”

“Fine, but when you’re not around, I’m wearing this one.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. When I’m not around, wear this one all you want.” I said.

Buying a new suit would be my first priority of the day. We found a small shop I had seen on my way to the café. Sophia needed something sexy. She ran her fingers across the suits as she walked by them.

“These are all so skimpy, Kayden.”

“Exactly, I want to see that fucking sexy body glistening in the sun. I’ll pick some out for you to try on.”

I grabbed a couple suits with little triangle tops and side tying bottoms. She wrinkled her nose as she watched me.

“Wear one for me, Sophia.”

She went into the dressing room and I could hear noises of disgust from outside.

“Lemme see each one,” I said.

She opened the door with a look of displeasure and my eyes lit up. She looked phenomenal. Her attitude in that moment gave me a glimpse inside this woman. I’d never have to worry about her being too flashy or showing too much skin, she was modest and it made my cock hard.

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We arrived a little past five to a full parking lot. My stomach lurched with the thought of all the strangers inside. I always hated meeting new people in large groups. People would be studying me.

I held his hand as we waited to be buzzed into the private club. I couldn’t see inside due to the privacy glass on the door.

“Here we go,” Kayden said opening the door, a buzzing sound filling the air.

Dozens of eyes fell upon us as we walked through the door. People around the room called out his name as if seeing an old friend.

“I spent a lot of time here after I got in trouble,” he said, pulling me through the crowd.

As we approached the table, people hurried to make room and grab extra chairs. A woman with short blond hair approached us with her arms outstretched. She gave him a hug, squeezing him hard, and kissed his cheek.

“Mom, this is Sophia.”

I approached, grabbing at his hand, unsure of how his mom would welcome me. She held out her arms.

“I’ve heard so much about you, Sophia. I’m so happy my son has found such a wonderful person.” She held me tightly, making it hard to breathe.