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I was lifted into the boat and lay there helpless. They put Honey beside me, then Jennet. We could not see each other’s faces clearly because it was a dark night. There was no moon, only the faint light of the stars that were visible where there was no cloud.

I tried to think of a means of escape. I guessed what was happening to us. We had been abducted as women had been throughout the years. Pirates descended on the land; they plundered; they stole; they burned down villages and townships and they took the women for their pleasure.

If only I could talk to Honey! If only I could think of some means of escape! But I was helpless, trussed and on a boat which was being rapidly rowed out to sea by strangers, and two men who had posed as a groom and a false priest were watching over us.

A wild fantasy came to me. The Rampant Lion would appear suddenly—returned unexpectedly from the voyage; the galleon would be discovered. Jake Pennlyon would board her; I could see his eyes flashing, see him standing there, legs apart, a bloodstained cutlass in his hands; I could hear his laugh as he uncut my bonds.

But these were but dreams.

Relentlessly the little boat pushed its way through the water to the Spanish galleon.

The men had shipped oars. We had arrived and there was no Rampant Lion to sight us, no Jake Pennlyon to cut our bonds.

John Gregory was bending over me. He cut the rope about my ankles and removed the gag from my mouth. He pulled me to my feet, for my arms were still bound behind me.

I stood unsteadily; the galleon loomed over us.

Honey and Jennet were beside me, pinioned as I was.

“Honey,” I said, “we have been betrayed.”

She nodded. I wondered again if she had seen Edward’s body. Poor Edward, so gentle and kind.

I was aware of Jennet, who would have no wedding now.

A rope ladder was dangling from the side of the ship.

John Gregory said: “You will climb it.”

“Without use of our hands, traitor?” I asked.

“I shall untie you now, but do not attempt to do anything but climb the ladder.”

“For what reason?”

“You will discover.”

“You rogue!” I cried. “You came to our house… You deceived us. …”

He said gently: “This is not the time for talk, Mistress. You must obey.”

“Board that ship? For what reason? It’s a Spaniard.”

“Please do not force me to hurt you.”

“Hurt me! Have you not brought me here by force … and you talk about hurting me!”

Honey said: “Don’t lose your temper, Catharine. It won’t help.”

There was hopelessness in her voice and I believed then that she had seen Edward in the courtyard.

But I was incensed. “You are no priest,” I said to John Gregory.

He did not answer. He released my hands and propelled me toward the ladder.

Richard Rackell was waiting to guide me to the rope; I made out faces above looking down.

Someone called out in Spanish and John Gregory answered in that tongue.

The boat dipped. It would not be easy to climb that ladder. I looked down at the dark water and I thought of death by drowning. Perhaps it would be preferable, I thought, but not seriously. Whatever life was I would always cling to it. The rope was put into my hands and I started to climb. Hands stretched out and I was pulled onto the deck. There were dark faces about me; I heard the excited babble of voices. Then there was silence. A figure came forward. He spoke in an authoritative voice. He must have given an order, for I was seized by two men who dragged me forward; we were followed by the man who had given the order and I was taken to a cabin in which a candle in a horn lantern gave a dim light.

A door was locked on me and I was alone. I was shivering because I was in my nightclothes and it had been cold on the boat; and even now I was not sure whether it was the temperature or fear which made me tremble so. It was incredible that yesterday Honey and I had been calmly making plans for Jennet’s wedding and now all three of us were prisoners on a pirate vessel.

They had taken us—three women, for what purpose there seemed to be no doubt. But why three of us and why had they not burned down the house and robbed us? Perhaps they had. Perhaps they took us first. They had, I feared, killed Edward. It was not the first time the coasts had been raided. This was the sort of thing that Jake Pennlyon and his men did in foreign lands.

I should never have come to Devon. I should have stayed at home.

I looked into the future which all reasoning told me was looming ahead of me. I who had stood out so fiercely against marriage with Jake Pennlyon would now be used to satisfy men—any men—who were on a long journey from home and needed diversion.

I felt ill at the prospect. I wondered whether I would not have been wiser to refuse to climb the ladder: to have chosen death rather than this.

On the floor was a rug. I lay on it because my legs were shaking. The ship rocked on the water and I lay watching the horn lantern swing with the motion of the vessel.

I thought of my mother and of what she would do when she heard that I had been abducted. How she had suffered! And now this. And not only me but Honey too and she loved us both dearly.

I thought of Honey then, beautiful, dignified Honey, who was carrying Edward’s child; and to consider her submitted to a hundred indignities hurt me as deeply as did the contemplation of my own fate. I would fight. I would kick and scream. If I could find a knife I would defend myself. I would no doubt be powerless against strong men, but I would make it so that they never felt safe from me. I would make it so that when they slept they would never be sure that I might not plunge a knife into their hearts or drop some poison into their ale or whatever they drank.

I was sustained by thoughts of what I would do.

Wild cat, Jake Pennlyon had called me. They would learn that wildcats were dangerous.

The motion of the ship had changed. I knew that we had shipped anchor and were sailing out of the harbor.

The door of the cabin was opened and Honey was thrust in. She, in her night robes as I was, was clutching them about her. I saw that her robe had been ripped down the front.

Already, I thought.

The door was locked on her. I had stood up. We ran to each other and just stood holding each other tightly.

“Oh, Honey, Honey,” I cried. “What have they done to you?”

She said: “They have done nothing. There was one man…” She shivered. “He took me to a place like this. He tore my gown from my shoulders, then he saw the Agnus Dei. I always wear it about my neck, and he drew back as though afraid and I was brought here.”

“Honey,” I said, “this is a nightmare. It can’t be true.”

She didn’t answer.

I said: “Edward…”

She remained mute and suddenly put her hands over her eyes. It was a gesture of despair.

I touched her arm gently.

“He tried to stop them,” I said. “Where was the rest of the household? Are they all traitors like John Gregory and Richard Rackell? What are we going to do, Honey? What can we do? They have brought us here to be as camp followers are to the army. But they go willingly. We are abducted against our will. They will use us … until they are tired of us. Then perhaps they will throw us overboard. Perhaps it would be better to cheat them. To take that plunge ourselves first?”

Still she didn’t answer. She only stared ahead of her. I know she was seeing Edward lying in his own blood on the cobbles of the courtyard.

I went on because I had to go on talking: “Perhaps even now Jennet is being forced to submit … to who knows what?” I could picture Jennet, wide eyes, perhaps a little expectant. Perhaps she would take to the life. She was different from us. How easily she had agreed to betray me when Jake Pennlyon had asked her to. And where was he? Somewhere on the high seas. Perhaps he was raiding some foreign port and forcing women as we were being forced.