Страниц: 15
Символов: 91175
ID: 249825
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2012
Издательство: Orion Books
Город печати: London
Создана 12 мая 2015 11:14
Опубликована 12 мая 2015 13:12
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1450s France. A young Englishman, Tom Swan, is kneeling in the dirt, waiting to be killed by the French who've taken him captive.He's not a professional soldier. He's really a merchant and a scholar looking for remnants of Ancient Greece and Rome - temples, graves, pottery, fabulous animals, unicorn horns. But he also has a real talent for ending up in the midst of violence when he didn't mean to. Having used his wits to escape execution, he begins a series of adventures that take him to street duels in Italy, meetings with remarkable men - from Leonardo Da Vinci to Vlad Dracula - and from the intrigues of the War of the Roses to the fall of Constantinople.

Мария Иванова
6 октября 2015 12:38
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