The Lord deliver her and save!

Tell me at once what wilt thou have?

I'll sprinkle thee with holy water.—

How thy hands burn!"—"Dear nurse, I'm well.

I am—in love—you know—don't tell!"

"The Lord be with thee, O my daughter!"—

And the old nurse a brief prayer said

And crossed with trembling hand the maid.


"I am in love," her whispers tell

The aged woman in her woe:

"My heart's delight, thou art not well."—

"I am in love, nurse! leave me now."

Behold! the moon was shining bright

And showed with an uncertain light

Tattiana's beauty, pale with care,

Her tears and her dishevelled hair;

And on the footstool sitting down

Beside our youthful heroine fair,

A kerchief round her silver hair

The aged nurse in ample gown,(37)

Whilst all creation seemed to dream

Enchanted by the moon's pale beam.

[Note 37: It is thus that I am compelled to render a female garment not known, so far as I am aware, to Western Europe. It is called by the natives "doushegreika," that is to say, "warmer of the soul"—in French, chaufferette de l'ame. It is a species of thick pelisse worn over the "sarafan," or gown.]


But borne in spirit far away

Tattiana gazes on the moon,

And starting suddenly doth say:

"Nurse, leave me. I would be alone.

Pen, paper bring: the table too

Draw near. I soon to sleep shall go—

Good-night." Behold! she is alone!

'Tis silent—on her shines the moon—

Upon her elbow she reclines,

And Eugene ever in her soul

Indites an inconsiderate scroll

Wherein love innocently pines.

Now it is ready to be sent—

For whom, Tattiana, is it meant?


I have known beauties cold and raw

As Winter in their purity,

Striking the intellect with awe

By dull insensibility,

And I admired their common sense

And natural benevolence,

But, I acknowledge, from them fled;

For on their brows I trembling read

The inscription o'er the gates of Hell

"Abandon hope for ever here!"(38)

Love to inspire doth woe appear

To such—delightful to repel.

Perchance upon the Neva e'en

Similar dames ye may have seen.

[Note 38: A Russian annotator complains that the poet has mutilated Dante's famous line.]


Amid submissive herds of men

Virgins miraculous I see,

Who selfishly unmoved remain

Alike by sighs and flattery.

But what astonished do I find

When harsh demeanour hath consigned

A timid love to banishment?—

On fresh allurements they are bent,

At least by show of sympathy;

At least their accents and their words

Appear attuned to softer chords;

And then with blind credulity

The youthful lover once again

Pursues phantasmagoria vain.


Why is Tattiana guiltier deemed?—

Because in singleness of thought

She never of deception dreamed

But trusted the ideal she wrought?—

Because her passion wanted art,

Obeyed the impulses of heart?—

Because she was so innocent,

That Heaven her character had blent

With an imagination wild,

With intellect and strong volition

And a determined disposition,

An ardent heart and yet so mild?—

Doth love's incautiousness in her

So irremissible appear?


O ye whom tender love hath pained

Without the ken of parents both,

Whose hearts responsive have remained

To the impressions of our youth,

The all-entrancing joys of love—

Young ladies, if ye ever strove

The mystic lines to tear away

A lover's letter might convey,

Or into bold hands anxiously

Have e'er a precious tress consigned,

Or even, silent and resigned,

When separation's hour drew nigh,

Have felt love's agitated kiss

With tears, confused emotions, bliss,—


With unanimity complete,

Condemn not weak Tattiana mine;

Do not cold-bloodedly repeat

The sneers of critics superfine;

And you, O maids immaculate,

Whom vice, if named, doth agitate