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442. Oyama Masutatsu. Advanced Karate. Tokio, 1974.

443. Parker E. Secrets of Chinese Karate. Prentice-Hall, 1963.

444. Porter D.H. Secret Sects in Shantung //Chinese recorder. 1886, № 1. V. 18.

445. Reflection on Things at Hand. The Neoconfucian Anthology /Comp. by Chu Hsi and Lu Tsu-Ch’ien. NewYork, 1967.

446. Reviews of Selected Chinese Classics. Beijing, 1988.

447. Robert L. Le nouveau guide Marabout — de Judo. Verviers, 1977.

448. Robinet I. The place and meaning of Taiji in taoist sourses prior to the Ming dynasty //History of religions. Chicago, 1990.

449. Schipper K.T. Le corps taoist. Corps physique — corps social. Paris, 1982.

450. Schonberger M. The I Ching and the Genetic Code. Santa Fe, 1992.

451. Shi Ming, Siao Weijia. Ving Over Matter. Higher Martial Arts. Berkeley: Frog, Ltd., 1994.

452. Siu R.G.H. Chi. A Neo-taoist Approach to life. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, 1974.

453. Sivin N. Traditional Medecine in Contemporary China. Ann Arbor, 1987.

454. Smith R. Pa-kua: Chinese Boxing. Tokyo, 1967.

455. Smith R. Secrets of Shaolin Temple Boxing. Tokyo, 1975.

456. Sourses of Chinese Tradition. /Comp. by Wm. Theodore de Barry, Wing-tsit Chan, Burton Warson. New York and London, I960.

457. Staples M.P. Tibetian Kung-fu. The Way of the Monk. Manila, 1974.

458. Stein RA. Religious Taoism and Popular Religion from the Second to Seventh Centuries. //Facets of Taoism. New Heaven and London, 1979.

459. Suzuki B.L. Mahayana Buddhism. London,1959.

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461. The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China. Boudler — San Francisco — Oxford, 1993.

462. The Wisdom of Confucius /Ed. by Lin Yutang. New York, 1938.

463. Traditional Chinese Fitness Exercises. Beijing: New World press, 1984.

464. Tseng Chiu Yien. The Chart of Tai Chi Chuan with English illustration. Hong Kong, 1965.

465. Wang Keren. The History of Chinese Dance. Beijing, 1985.

466. Wang Peisheng, Zeng Weiqi. Wu style Taijiquan: A detailed course for health and selfdefence. Hong Kong, Beijing: Hai Fei Publishing & Zhaohua Publishing House, 1983.

467. Zhao Menglin, Yan Jiqing. Peking Opera Painted Faces. Beijing: Morning Glory Publishers, 1994.

468. Werner E.T.C. A Dictionary of Chinese Mythology. Portland, 1972.

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470. Wu K.K. Therapeutic Breathing Exercise. Hong Kong, 1987.

471. Wu Yung. The Flight of an Empress. Hew Heaven, 1936.

472. Wushu Among Chinese Moslems. Shenzhen, 1984.

473. Yang Jwing-Ming. Advanced Yang Style Taichichuan. Boston: Yang’s Martial Arts Academy, 1986. V. 1–2.

474. Yang Style Taijiquan. Beijing: Morning Glory press, 1991.

475. Zhang Mingwu, Sun Xinyuan. Chinese qigong Therapy Jinan, 1985.