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She smiled. "No, I'm not," she agreed.

"We'll have to do our best to instruct you, then, on the importance of the name you select."

"A man's name is far more important than just a name," Calum announced.

Before she could ask what in heaven's name he meant by that statement, Keith turned her attention. "If another person has knowledge of the name before the christening, he could use it to work magic on the babe."

Calum nodded agreement.

Johanna could tell from their serious expressions they weren't jesting with her. They really believed their nonsense. "Is this tradition or superstition you're giving me?" she asked.

Glynis stepped forward to join the conversation. She wanted to add a few important reminders of her own.

"If the babe cries during the christening, then it is sufficient proof the devil's been driven out, m'lady. Did you already know that truth?"

Johanna shook her head. She had never heard of anything so preposterous. She didn't want to injure Glynis's feelings, however, and for that reason she didn't smile.

"Then I shall hope the baby cries," she said.

"You might also give the wee one a tiny pinch to ensure he does cry out," Glynis suggested.

"Some mothers probably do," Keith speculated.

"If your baby's born at midnight or at the twilight hour, he'll have the gift of second sight, of course. Heaven help the babe if he comes during the chime hours, for then he'll have the ability to see ghosts and spirits hidden from the rest of us."

"Papa, aren't you ready to leave yet?" Alex asked.

Gabriel nodded. He leaned down, ordered Johanna not to exhaust herself, and then lifted his son on his shoulder and started for the stables.

Leila walked across the courtyard, bowed her head to her laird when she passed him, and then hurried over to Johanna to offer her congratulations.

"It's joyful news," she said.

"Aye, it is," Glynis agreed. "I was just giving m'lady a few suggestions," she told Leila.

"And I shall try to remember every one of them," Johanna promised.

Keith shook his head. "I doubt you'll remember," he said. "You've forgotten what day this is," he added. "You're wearing the wrong plaid again."

"I'm beginning to wonder if she's doing it on purpose," Calum remarked. There was a hint of amusement in his voice. As soon as the MacBain soldier spoke, Leila deliberately turned so that her back was to Calum. She kept her gaze directed on the ground. Johanna noticed the action and was intrigued by it.

"Glynis, Megan told me you had a good hand at cutting hair," Johanna said.

"'Tis the truth I do have a talent for the task."

"Clare MacKay could use your assistance," Johanna said. "The MacInnes men made a mess out of her hair."

"I know they did," Glynis said. "They meant to make a mess so anyone seeing her would know her shame."

Johanna didn't want to get into a long discussion about Clare now. "Yes," she agreed. "But Clare's father is coming here today, and I was wondering if you could…"

"Say no more, m'lady. I'll be happy to fetch my scissors and try to make the lass look a little more presentable."

"Thank you," Johanna said. "Leila, please don't leave just yet," she added when the Maclaurin woman turned to walk with Glynis across the yard.

"Since Lady Johanna's wearing the MacBain colors, I assume she's your responsibility today," Keith told Calum.

"I can take care of myself, gentlemen," Johanna said. "You both waste your time following me around."

The two men ignored her protest. "Aye, she is my responsibility," Calum said.

Johanna decided she would have to talk to Gabriel about the foolishness in his command. The men would continue to trail after her until they were released from the duty by their laird.

Keith bowed to his mistress and left to see his duties completed. Calum was about to go back inside, but Johanna stayed him with her hand on his arm.

"Calum, may I have a minute of your time? I would like to introduce you to Leila."

He gave her a look that suggested she'd lost her senses. "I've known Leila for some time, m'lady."

He didn't spare the Maclaurin woman a glance when he said her name. Johanna turned to Leila. She was diligently staring at the ground. "Leila, have you met Calum?"

"You know I have," Leila whispered. "Then tell me please, both of you, why you act as though you've never met before? I'm very curious and probably interfering, but I assure you I have the best of intentions. I thought, from the looks you try not to give each other, well, that you might actually care about each other a great deal."

"He's a MacBain."

"She's a Maclaurin."

"Please excuse me, m'lady," Calum said, his voice clipped and hard. "I have duties that need my attention. I don't have time for such foolish talk."

He didn't even nod in Leila's direction when he left. She kept her gaze turned away. Johanna reached out to touch her arm. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make either one of you upset. You do care about Calum, don't you?"

She gave an abrupt nod. "I have tried not to have these feelings, m'lady," she whispered. "I cannot seem to help myself."

"I believe Calum has feelings for you, Leila."

"Nay," she argued. "He would never allow himself to become attracted to a Maclaurin."

"I didn't realize the separation between the clans ran this deep," Johanna remarked.

"How could you not know? The way the men carry on whenever you wear the wrong plaid should be proof enough of the importance they attach to the issue. We're all trying to get along with each other yet stay separate at the same time."

"But why must everyone stay separate?"

Leila confessed she didn't know. "We're all most appreciative of our laird's patience with us," she said. "I heard what you said at the supper table about the land belonging to the MacBains now. Everyone was talking about it, m'lady. What you said made sense to some of us. The Maclaurin soldiers didn't like hearing the truth, however."

"Do you know what I think? We have one too many plaids."

"Aye, we do," Leila agreed. "But neither clan is going to give up its colors, no matter how much you plead."

"I'm not going to plead with anyone," Johanna said. "Will you answer a question please? If Calum was a Maclaurin, would he court you?"

"I would hope he would," she answered. "But he isn't a Maclaurin, and he doesn't have any feelings for me anyway."

Johanna turned the topic then. "Would you like to come back to the hall and help with the tasks every now and again?"

"Oh, yes, m'lady, I would. I could see…" She stopped before she gave herself away.

Johanna wasn't fooled. "Yes, you would be able to see Calum more often."

Leila blushed. "Our laird doesn't want me to…"

"But of course he does," Johanna said. "Come for dinner tonight, Leila. You'll sit next to me. We'll discuss your duties after we've eaten."

"I would be honored to sit at your table," Leila whispered. Her voice shook with emotion.

"I must go inside now and take my turn sitting with Clare. I'll see you tonight, Leila."

Johanna hurried upstairs and went directly to Clare's chamber. She dismissed Megan from her task of watching over the woman and sat down to talk to her.

"Did you climb the stairs without assistance, m'lady?" Megan demanded to know.

"Of course," Johanna answered, surprised by the censure in Megan's tone.

"You could fall," Megan countered. "You shouldn't be taking such chances."

"Megan, I have enough people fretting over me. 'Tis the truth I'll go daft if I'm followed around day and night. I held onto the railing," she added when Megan looked ready to protest.

"Are you ill, Lady Johanna?" Clare asked.

"She's carrying, like you," Megan blurted out. She nodded, then closed the door behind her.