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"It seems to be," he said, then he quickly and efficiently Warded the room against eavesdropping, and hid it from any Sorcerers that may be looking for such a thing. "We can speak freely now," he told her.

"You're quite good at that," she said appreciatively, as he could sense her probing his Ward.

"I've had enough practice," he said dryly. "We're leaving as soon as Sarraya gets here, and they bring in the people that are going to pretend to be us," he said. "You waiting alone gives us a perfect excuse to disappear for a bit, and that's all we need to pull the switch."

"I hadn't thought of that, but you're right," she agreed. "How long?"

"Jenna said she has Auli and this human Triana prepared waiting. She just has to get to them, have Dar put the Illusions on them, and then they'll be Teleported into the room. Sarraya should be here by then. She can move very fast when she needs to."

"Very good," Sapphire nodded complacently.

Sapphire wasn't one for idle chat, and for that matter, neither were Tarrin and Allia. So they waited in general silence for several moments, Sapphire's fingers continuing to rap rhythmically on the table after she took her seat once again. That silence was broken when the door cracked open, and the incessant buzzing of Sarraya's tiny wings beating the air heralded her arrival. The door closed on its own, Druidic magic, Tarrin sensed, and then the Faerie's slight weight touched his shoulder as the sound of her wings ceased. "I'm here," she announced. Tarrin couldn't see her, but from the way Allia and Sapphire's eyes seemed to fix on his shoulder, he knew she must have returned to visibility.

"Did anyone see you?" he asked.

"That's a stupid question, Tarrin," she said chidingly. "Of course nobody saw me. I was invisible, you ninny!"

"You know what I mean," he said tartly.

"Then say what you mean," she replied impudently.

"This had better go quickly," Sapphire noted. "I don't think I would like being in her company for very long."

Tarrin mirrored that notion. He didn't mind the Faerie's acidic comments and constant badgering, but Sapphire was not the sort to harass. He'd like to get those two separated before Sapphire did something unpleasant to the Faerie.

But Sarraya seemed to take the hint. She fell silent, and Tarrin was silently thankful that the Faerie wasn't going to be her usually obnoxious self. Fortunately, they didn't have to wait for much longer, for he felt the probing tendrils of a spell reach into the room. They moved very quickly, so fast that only Tarrin could sense and track them, locking into a space on the far side of the room. They enveloped that area like a coccoon, and then the spell triggered, exchanging everything in that space with everything on the other side of the spell.

To the others, in a wavering flash, three people appeared on the far side of the room. Jenna, and what looked like Allia and Tarrin, complete in every detail, all the way down to the clothes they were wearing, but Tarrin's new closeness with the Weave let him actually see beyond the Illusions, behind them, to the people beneath. One was obviously Auli, and the other was a human man with strong Ungardt features. He was as tall as Tarrin, the result of Triana's tampering, and he moved with a stiffness that demonstrated how unpleasant that had to have been for him. He had a strong jaw and a slightly larger nose than Tarrin, and his hair was red and eyes green. Redheads were quite common among Ungardt.

"Alright, we're here," Jenna said quickly. "Think they look the part?"

"Dar had to have done that," Allia said critically, looking the two of them over. "It is absolutely perfect."

"Who else would we turn to when we need a convincing Illusion?" Jenna smiled.

"Sir Tarrin," the human said with a nod. "I hope I can act as good as this supposedly looks."

"Just act like everyone annoys you, and you'll do just fine," Jenna told him seriously.

"Well, I'm looking forward to this," Auli said in Sha'Kar with a bright smile. "A chance to get out from under mother's eye. A chance for a little honest adventure, not the stuff we made up around here!"

"I'm sure they'll do their best to make it everything you hope it'll be," he told her.

"Who cares?" she said with an honest grin. "I've never been on a ship before, and I've never been anywhere that wasn't under mother's rigid control," she said with notes of vast irritation in her voice.

"This is not your chance to go wild, Auli," Tarrin told her disapprovingly.

"I know that, Tarrin. I'm just saying I'll be glad to go out and do something new and exciting, that's all."

"Remember, it is my honor you are borrowing, Sha'Kar," Allia warned in a very dangerous tone. "If you dishonor me, I will repay you for it threefold. Do I make myself clear?"

Auli swallowed, and then nodded with with an anxious look.

"Good. I am glad we understand one another."

"I'll do my best to keep her under control, Sir Tarrin," the human said in flawless Sha'Kar, which surprised Tarrin a little. Triana had obviously prepared him in other ways.

"Be careful of this one," Tarrin warned him. "You may think you're controlling her, but she'll end up controlling you. She's a dangerous one."

"Well thank you for warning him!" Auli snapped at him waspishly.

"It's only fair he understand just what he's getting into," Jenna said with a sly smile. "Darvon told me that you're quite a sneaky little devil, Fox. I think you and Auli are going to get along very well. Being sneaky is what she prides herself on."

"Oh, is that so?" Auli asked with a sudden bright smile, looking at the Knight Cadet hopefully.

"Not when I'm carrying Sir Tarrin's honor, it's not," he said grimly. "I admit, I have my share of fun when it's harmless, but this is serious. It's not the time or place for it."

"You could learn from this one, Auli," Tarrin told her with a steady look.

"Time is pressing, little friend," Sapphire reminded him.

"You're right, we can't be in here too long without it looking funny," he nodded. "We have to go, Jenna. Keep everything nailed down around here, and tell everyone that missed me I said goodbye."

She stepped up and hugged him warmly. "I'll do that. You be careful out in the desert, and make sure you tell me what's going on. The Heart isn't exactly empty anymore now that the Sha'Kar are back, but it's private enough for us to talk without it going any further."

"I'll send word through Jesmind or Jula whenever I need to talk to you," he said. "Their amulets are linked to mine in a way that won't allow anyone to eavesdrop."

"That'll work," she nodded, then she turned and embraced Allia. "Keep him safe, sister," she said.

"Always," Allia answered as Sapphire stood up. "Be careful, little sister, and remember that help is but a call away whenever you need it."

"Good luck, Tarrin," Auli smiled. "I'll miss you."

"May the hammer of Karas sweep your troubles clear, sir Tarrin," the human Fox said gravely.

Tarrin nodded to them and motioned Allia and Sapphire to draw close to him. Jenna stepped back as Tarrin set his will against the Weave and began the spell, weaving it on his side and sending the probes far to the west, to that ruined Dwarven city. The place he wanted to go was the empty square of sorts where Faalken's tomb now stood, for it was a place with which he was very familiar, and it was open enough to let them see everything around them as soon as they arrived. He didn't want to appear right in front of a hungry kajat. That would not be a good thing. The probes found where he wanted to go, and they wrapped around the space on that side. Tarrin completed the spell from his side, and the flows of the Weave surrounded them in a blindingly fast display, weaving and twisting together even as they enveloped the four of them. When they finished their intricate pattern, enclosing them, the weave discharged its energy, and then it exchanged everything in the space enveloped in one side of the weave with everything enveloped in the other side.