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The place was just so huge. He never passed a window, never so much as had an idea if he was fleeing into the Palace's depths or towards the outer wall. He was utterly lost, and there was nothing, no breeze, no scent, no light, to tell him which way to go.

He felt helpless. "Goddess, if you want to give me a hand, this would be a very good time," Tarrin grunted under his breath, hiding behind a tapestry as a large force of armed guards raced by.

You had to but ask, my kitten, came the glowing, glorious response. She certainly seemed happy about his success. Turn right at the next intersection, then left, then right. That hallway will lead to a window. I think you can manage things from there.

"I think so."

You have done well, my kitten, she beamed in his mind. I can't begin to tell you how proud I am. You have done well.

"Save the congratulations for when we're all safe," he breathed, darting out from behind the tapestry and turning right at the intersection.

"This way!" a voice shouted from behind him. Tarrin could hear another group of men behind him, armored men. He looked to and fro for a doorway, a passage, anything to use to hide, but he was trapped in an open area. And they were close.

"Ummmmmm," Sarraya said blearily in his paw. "Tarrin, where are we?"

"Sarraya, listen to me!" he said in a harsh whisper. "You have to turn invisible! Can you do that?"

"Ummm, yes, I can," she said groggily. "Where's that big monster at?"

" Just do it!" he whispered fiercely, carefully setting her down against the wall, then he shapeshifted into cat form and stood right over her, keeping anyone from accidentally stepping on her. Sarraya gasped in pain when she moved, but her form did fade from view. Tarrin sighed in relief and remained over her, anxiously awaiting the guard party.

If they hadn't been warned about what he was, they'd probably pass him right up. Readying to either fight or run, Tarrin's heart lurched when the men turned the corner, seven human guards being led by a man in yellow robes. The man looked a bit confused. "What is it, Watchwizard?" one of the guards asked in Arakite.

"I thought I saw something," he said. "No matter. Let us continue!"

They rushed right by him, paying him not a single thought.

Tarrin blew out his breath in relief. That was close! But they didn't know he had a cat form, so they hadn't paid the black cat any mind. He remembered how much he loved the fact that his animal form was something small and inconspicuous. "Sarraya, are you alright?" he asked quickly, moving away from her.

"I'll be alright," she said breathlessly, sitting up. Sarraya grunted audibly as she looked over her shoulder. "My wings… ah, well," she sighed, then she gave a squeak of pain. "I'm not going to be flying til they grow back. And I'm not feeling very well at the moment."

He moved away slightly, then hunched down on his belly. "I don't think you'll be too heavy to carry," he offered. "They won't be looking for a cat, so it'll be safer for us this way. Just stay invisible."

"Just don't jostle me, I think my ribs are broken," she replied. He felt her pull herself up onto his back, very gingerly, and when she stopped fidgeting, he stood back up. He felt her grab some handfuls of fur for purchase, and he started slinking off in the direction the Goddess had indicated, moving very carefully so Sarraya wasn't needlessly bounced around.

It worked rather well. The guards paid the black cat no attention at all as they raced here and there, and Tarrin simply walked to the window, walked slowly and carefully, relieved beyond measure that he wasn't going to be leading a procession off the Palace grounds. He may get spotted trying to get over the wall, but once he was off the grounds and into the city, it would only take a moment of isolation to shapeshift and hide from them.

The window was a problem. It had no ledge, and it was too high for him to see the outside. To look, he'd have to shapeshift, and if he did that, he'd be exposing himself to the men that he could hear very close to him.

Again, the guards provided him with the perfect solution. One of them stopped at the window after he scampered away, and another appeared at the end of the hallway. "We're to form up on the practice field, Vol!" the distant guard shouted.

"I'm coming!" he replied, moving immediately back the way they came.

And so Tarrin simply followed the guards, followed them to a set of stairs, followed them down wide passageways, followed them right to a small servant's entrance that led to the outside. He followed them right outside, and when he got outside, he started across the wide expanse of ground between the Palace and its wall. Nobody stopped him. Nobody challenged him. After all, how silly would it look for a human to accost a cat?

Tarrin's anxiety only deepened as he made his way across the wide lawn. He was so close he could see it, so close he could smell success. Until he got off the grounds-all the way out of the city-Shiika and her Demons were a dangerous threat. He was totally exposed out on the grass. Just one of the cambisi, just one that knew he had the power to turn into cat, could ruin everything simply by looking out a window. He had come too far to be stopped just outside the Palace walls.

His anxiety reached nearly unbearable proportions when he reached the wall. Now came the danger.

"Sarraya," he said in the unspoken manner of the Cat, "get off of me."

"What are we going to do?" she asked in a whisper, climbing down.

"I'm going to change, get over this wall, and get out of sight and change back before they can get anyone in a position to follow us," he told her. "It's going to be fast, and it's going to hurt you. I just wanted to warn you up front."

"As long as I know it's coming," she said, fading into view before him. "Just try not to kill me," she winked.

"I'm going to put you on my head. Just don't let go," he warned. "Ready?"

"Let's do it," she grinned.

Tarrin changed, and immediately stuffed the book under one arm, then reached down and scooped up his tiny friend. He set her on top of his head at the same time as he vaulted up the wall, feeling her grab a good hold on his hair and dig her legs into the tighter areas where it went into his braid even as his claws drove into the stone of the wall. He scrambled up as fast as he possibly could with only one paw and two feet, nearly falling off three times as his claws slipped, but he reached the top and raced over the wide top, where men patrolled, and started down the other side. He barely heard the first shouts of alarm from the men on top of the wall, who had seen him race across, but they were too late. He dropped the twenty spans left to the ground effortlessly, and was racing at full speed away from the wind band of empty space and into the buildings before the first of them reached where he went across. He ducked into an alley immediately, and after making sure nobody could see him, he changed back before warning Sarraya. She was suddenly on his head, sagging it nearly to the ground.

Tarrin's breath exploded from him. The hardest part was over. They had escaped from the Palace in one piece. More or less. Now another task lay before them, to hide until the searchers gave up, then go and find the others. He could contact Allia with the amulet, but that would require him to change back, and he couldn't risk that so close to the Palace, with so many of Shiika's men so close to him. He had to get further away, so they could escape before they could get to him.

"Warn me next time!" she snapped, sliding down to his shoulders gingerly.

"Sorry," he replied. "They know we went in here, so let's get out of here," he said. "We have to find the others."

There was a commotion at the end of the alley. Tarrin and Sarraya both instantly shut up, Sarraya turning invisible and Tarrin hunkering down behind a broken crate. Two yellow-robed Arakites appeared at the end of the alleyway with nearly twenty guardsmen behind them. Tarrin hunched down even more as they both looked in, and there was confusion on their faces.