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His attempt to subdue her only succeeded in setting her off.

With the sound of breaking chains, Jula exploded from her seat, grabbing the Cambion by the neck and catapulting both of them through the side of the wagon, making Phandebrass and Camara Tal duck wildly to avoid getting smashed between the pair and the side of the wagon. With the Cambion's eyes off of her, Allia squirmed her hands through the ropes that bound them with almost ridiculous ease, then drew a small, sharp knife and lunged for Dolanna. She cut the bonds that held her even as she pulled off her gag, as the sounds of Jula's frenzied assault on the Cambion raged just outside the wagon. Dolanna tore off her gag and drew her own small dagger, then worked on Dar's bonds as Allia moved to free Camara Tal. "We have to get Jula!" Dolanna ordered quickly as she snipped the leather cords holding Dar's hands. "Tarrin will not leave without her!"

"How do you expect to calm her down, Dolanna?" Camara Tal asked acidly, turning to cut Phandebrass free as Allia opened the cage holding the mage's two drakes. They scrambled to Phandebrass immediately, huddling against him for comfort and reassurance after their harrowing captivity. "The only one that can calm her down is Tarrin!"

There was a sudden commotion outside, and then things went eerily quiet. Dar jumped across the wagon to look out the hole made by their exit, and he suddenly began to laugh.

"What is it, Dar? Is it Tarrin?" Dolanna asked.

"I think you wouldn't confuse me with that cub if you could see me, Dolanna!" the voice of Triana replied to her question.

They all stared in surprise. Triana! What was she doing here! And how did she find them?

They piled out of the wagon quickly, looking around. They were on a large quay facing the sea, and the smell of it blew over the land. There were dock workers and sailors, but they had fled when Jula erupted out of the wagon with the Cambion. He was nowhere to be seen, but Triana had Jula by the scruff of her neck, holding tight to her as the smaller Were-cat squirmed helplessly against her, her shoulders heaving as she panted heavily. The men on the slaving ship stared in shock and surprise, then four of them made a mad scramble to raise their gangplank. Triana was just as tall, just as majestic, just as powerful as Allia remembered, the physical embodiment of strength and confidence, her handsome face looking down at the smaller friends with a slight smile disrupting the usual stony mask that she wore on her features. "Sarraya told me to get here fast. I never dreamed I'd see this."

"Sarraya called you?"

She shook her head. "Tarrin did, but Sarraya sent the message," she replied. "I wouldn't have burned so much magic getting here if it had been anyone else. Judging by what I was feeling from him through his bond, I realized that it was no game he was playing."

"Where is my brother, brother's-mother Triana?" Allia asked immediately, concern in her eyes.

"Right now, I don't know exactly," she replied soberly, pointing into the city with a clawed finger. "He's in that direction, and he's fuming mad. He's been brewing all night. Now I can see what got him all twisted up. Is this his mistake?" she asked, holding Jula up for them to see.

"She is… a complication," Dolanna replied. "It is a very long story."

"So this is what he wanted me to protect," she said to herself, holding the squirming Jula up to look at her. "She's a scrawny little thing, and she's just about half mad. Why should I bother?"

"Protect?" Camara Tal asked. "What do you mean, old friend?"

"Tarrin had Sarraya tell me to come, but this is why," she said, holding Jula up a bit more. "He wanted me to take care of her. Sarraya told me that she got the feeling that he didn't think he'd live to finish her training."

They stared ather in silence for a moment, and Jula stopped fighting against Triana. "Umm… where am I?" she asked blearily, putting a paw delicately to the side of her head. "Tarrin?"

"No, not Tarrin," Triana answered, letting her go. Jula stumbled slightly, then turned and whirled on Triana. But when she did, she came up short, staring at the majestically tall Were-cat matriarch with awe.

"That's right, I'm nobody you want to upset," Triana said flatly. "Tarrin called me here to take care of you, if he doesn't make it back. And I'm nowhere near as gentle as him." She gave her a steady look. "You're weak-willed, female," she said shortly. "If you wish to survive, you must learn better control. What is your name?"

"J-Jula," she said uncertainly, fidgeting under that powerful stare.

For the first time ever, Allia saw anger creep into Triana's expression. She snapped her paw out and grabbed Jula by the neck, hauling her off the wharf and bringing her up to her eye level. Jula grabbed at the powerful paw holding her with sudden terror in her eyes, but could not budge Triana's vice-like hold on her. "Dolanna, she's the same one?" she asked hotly, looking at the Sorceress.

"She is, Triana, but Tarrin has forgiven her for what she did to him," Dolanna replied. "He took her as his bond-child instead of killing her."

Triana looked at her for a long moment, then she actually laughed. "He did? I swear, Dolanna, I never thought he'd do something like that. First Mist opens up, now Tarrin is forgiving hated enemies? What is happening to us?" she laughed, letting Jula go abruptly. "But if he could do something like that, then there's more hope for him than I first thought," she said seriously. "It shows he finally realizes he doesn't have to be as hard as he thought he had to be to stave off the madness."

She looked down at Jula with hard eyes. "Until Tarrin comes back for you, cub, you are mine," she said fiercely. "Tarrin is my son, so that makes you something of my grandchild. You will only disobey me once. I am not half as soft as he is. Do you understand me?"

Jula could not face the power that Triana brought to bear against her, a power of stance, of expression, a near aura of unshakable strength that Triana gave off at all times, a sense that she was absolutely invulnerable. It had the power to shake nearly anyone, and the soft-willed Jula caved in instantly to that demonstration of force. Jula averted her eyes and lowered her head, something of a sign of submission among Were-cats, Allia had noticed. Triana brushed her tawny hair out of her face absently, then looked at Camara Tal. "Sarraya is trying to find Tarrin," she said. "Until then, we have to get out of the city."

"Why?" Allia demanded. "I am not leaving my brother alone!"

"You'll do it because I told you to do it," Triana snapped at her, and even Allia could not face her overwhelming power with steady eyes. "Tarrin told Sarraya to have me get all of you out of the city. I think he doesn't want you underfoot for now, and I agree. She told me that he's got some kind of plan to get you all back, and it involves mass destruction. He doesn't want you getting caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. If he starts worrying about you, then it may cost him when his mind is supposed to be on something else. But you'd better contact him, Selani. At least let him know you're all safe."

She nodded, grabbing her ivory amulet immediately. "Tarrin," she called. "Tarrin, answer me. Answer! Tarrin!" There was silence. "Tarrin! Answer!"

They all stared at Allia's amulet. "He's still alive," Triana grunted. "And he's still hopping mad. Allia, tell him you're alright and where we are."

Allia nodded. "My brother, we are all safe! Triana has come, and we are all safe! We are on the city's docks. Tarrin, you do not have to rescue us!"

There was no reply.

"Stop this, my brother!" Allia snapped. "We are safe! Answer me, let me know you are well!"

"Maybe he's not answering because he can't," Dar offered. "Maybe he's busy."