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constructive deconstruction

Conversations with Kafka (Janouch)

Coover, Robert

Coupland, Douglas

Craig, Daniel

Crawford, Joan


Critchley, Simon

Crosby, Bing

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (film)

Cukor, George

Damon, Matt

Dangerous Liaisons

Date Movie (film)

“Datum Centurio” (Wallace)

Davis, Bette

de Acosta, Mercedes

“Dead Parrot” sketch

“Death of the Author, The” (Barthes)

“Death Is Not the End” (Wallace)

“Death of Ivan Ilyich, The” (Tolstoy)

de Chirico, Giorgio

Defense Ministry, Liberian

Deleuze, Gilles

DeLillo, Don

De Niro, Robert

Denzil (uncle)

“Depressed Person, The” (Wallace)

Derrida, Jacques

De Sica, Vittorio

“Devil Is a Busy Man, The” (Wallace)

DiCaprio, Leonardo

Dickens, Charles

Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes

Didion, Joan

Dietrich, Marlene

“Dockery and Son” (Larkin)

Doe, Samuel

Do I Really Have to Communicate with You?

Don Bosco Homes

Doolittle, Eliza (char.)

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

Dreams from My Father (Obama)

Dust Tracks on a Road (Hurston)

Dylan, Bob

Easy Cliché and Tired Stereotype

Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Edward R. Murrow: An American Original (Persico)

Eliot, George

advice given by

experience and

journal of

religious views of

romantic failings of

as writer of ideas

Eliot, T. S.

Eliser d’amore’ (opera)

Ellis, Bret Easton

Elphinstone, Major

Emerson, George (char.)

“Enactor” (char.)

“End and the Beginning, The” (Szymborska)

End of History and the Last Man, The (Fukuyuma)

E. T. (film)

Ethics (Spinoza)

Evans, Marian. See Eliot, George

Everything and More: A Compact History of Infinity (Wallace)

Failure to Launch (film)

Faith of My Fathers (McCain)

Fawlty Towers (TV show)

Fellini, Federico

Finnegans Wake (Joyce)


Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Flaubert, Gustave

Flesh and the Devil (film)

Flomo, John

“Forever Overhead” (Wallace)

Forster, E. M.

aesthetics of

concept of audience of

connection as theme of

conversational tone in broadcasts of

homosexuality of

simplicity vs. complexity in

social and political views of

Foucault, Michel

Frankl, Viktor

Freud, Sigmund


Friedberg, Jason

Gaddis, William

Gaghan, Stephen

Gaping Flaws

Garbo, Greta

Gardner, Ava

Garth, Mary (char.)

Genet, Jean

Get Rich or Die Tryin’ (film)

Ghanam, Kamal E.

Gift, The (Hyde)

Gift, The (Nabokov)

Gilbert, John

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

Good Night, and Good Luck (film)

Goons, The

Grable, Betty

Grand Hotel (film)

Granola Cruncher (char.)

Grant, Cary

Gravity’s Rainbow (Pynchon)

Great Escape, The (film)

Greenblatt, Stephen

Greene, Graham

Grizzly Man (film)

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (film)

Gyllenhaal, Jake


Hall, Maurice (char.)

Hancock, Tony

Hancock’s Half Hour

Hannigan, Alyson

Hard Times (Dickens)

Hayworth, Rita

Health Ministry, Liberian

Heidegger, Martin

Henry, Thierry

Hepburn, Audrey

Hepburn, Katharine

Oscar nominations of

Herriton, Philip (char.)

Hickock, Dick

Hicks, Amos (char.)

Hidden (film)

Higgins, Henry (char.)

High Society (film)

“High Windows” (Larkin)

History of Western Philosophy (Russell)

Hitchcock, Alfred

Hoffman, Philip Seymour

Hofmann, Michael

Holdaway, Lysbeth


Honeychurch, Lucy (char.)

Howards End (Forster)

How Not to Dress

Huffman, Felicity

“Human Personality” (Weil)

Hurston, Zora Neal

“I’m Walking Backwards for Christmas” (song)

In Cold Blood (film)

Infinite Jest (Wallace)

International Necronautical Society (INS)

Iraq War

Isherwood, Christopher

“It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue” (song)

“It’s Too Late” (song)

Jack, Richard S.

Jackson, Curtis “50 Cent,”

Jackson, Jesse

James, Henry

Janáček, Leoö

Jane Eyre (Brontë)

Janie (char.)

Jealousy (Robbe-Grillet)

Jesenská, Milena


Johnson-Sirleaf, Ellen

“Joint Statement of Inauthenticity, The,”

Jolie, Angelina

Joyce, James

“Judgment, The” (Kafka)

Kael, Pauline

Kafka, Franz

as allegedly self-hating Jew

Brod’s friendship with

brothels visited by

descriptions of

diary of

letters of

organization of day of

and request for burning of work

revision of ideas on

time in

unconventionality of

on women

at work

Kant, Immanuel

Keats, John

Kelly, Grace

Kennedy, Robert

Kiedis, Anthony

King, Carole

King, Martin Luther

“Kubla Khan” (Coleridge)

Kundera, Milan

Kushner, Tony

Ladislaw (char.)

Lakes, The

Lancaster, Burt

Larkin, Philip

Lawrence. H.

League of Nations

Lean, David

Lectures on Literature (Nabokov)

Ledger, Heath

Lee, Harper

Lennon, John

Lermontov, Mikhail

Letter to My Father (Kafka)

Lewes, George

Li, Gong


civil war in

education in

ex-combatants in

independence declared by

1980 coup in

poverty in

rubber workers in

UN sex abuse scandal in

Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary

Liberia: The Heart of Darkness

“Literary World, The” (Larkin)

Little Women (film)

Lloyd, David

Locke, John


Lolita (Nabokov)

Lydgate, Dr. (char.)

Lynch, David

Macaulay, Rose

Macaulay, Thomas

McCain, John

MacCarthy, Desmond

McCarthy, Joseph

McCarthy, Tom

Macro Planners

Magic Flute, The (Dickinson)

Magnani, Anna

Malinke tribes

Mamba Point Hotel

Mansfield, Katherine

Mansfield Park (Austen)

Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl)

Marshall, Rob

Martin, Steve

Matrix trilogy

Maugham, Somerset

Maurice (Forster)

Mayer, Louis B.

Melville, Herman

Memoirs of a Geisha (film)

Men in Space (McCarthy)


Micro Managers

Middlemarch (Eliot)

authorial attention in

subjectivity of

Milton, John

Miss Brooke (Eliot)

Mittal Steel

Monroe, Marilyn

Monty Python’s Life of Brian (film)

Morecambe and Wise

Moss, Annie

Motion, Andrew

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Munich (film)

Murrow, Edward R.

Nabokov, Vera

Nabokov, Vladimir

artistic style of

authorial privilege and

on Gregor Samsa

on inspiration

on knowledge of reality

on subjectivity

Naipaul. S.

“Natural Woman” (song)

Negative Capability


Netherland (O’Neill)

Neugroschel, Joachim

Newbolt, Henry

New Yorker

New York Times Book Review


Ninotchka (film)

“No More Parades” (Amis)


nouveau roman


architecture of

editing of

first twenty pages of

future of

middle of

proofs of

scaffolding of

Obama, Barack

Oblivion (Wallace)

obsessive perspective disorder (OPD)

Ocean’s Eleven (film)

Ocean’s Twelve (film)

“Octet” (Wallace)

Office, The (TV show)

“Old Fools, The” (Larkin)

On Beauty (Smith)

One Day in September (film)

“On His Deathbed, Holding Your Hand” (Wallace)