The Idiot
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Страниц: 197
Символов: 1308436
Прочитал: 1
ID: 215903
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Русский
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Создана 29 августа 2014 21:23
Опубликована 30 августа 2014 05:55


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Returning to Russia from a sanitarium in Switzerland, the Christ-like epileptic Prince Myshkin finds himself enmeshed in a tangle of love, torn between two women—the notorious kept woman Nastasya and the pure Aglaia—both involved, in turn, with the corrupt, money-hungry Ganya. In the end, Myshkin’s honesty, goodness, and integrity are shown to be unequal to the moral emptiness of those around him.

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