Wolf Sara

Wolf Sara (EN)

Страницы автора на других языках и псевдонимы: Вульф (Вулф) Сара
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Средняя оценка: 8.25 (4)
Пол: женский
Язык страницы автора: Английский
ID автора: 97145
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за неделю: 5
за месяц: 5
за год: 224
за все время: 4311

Sara Wolf is a twenty-something author who adores baking, screaming at her cats, and screaming at herself while she types hilarious things. When she was a kid, she was too busy eating dirt to write her first terrible book. Twenty years later, she picked up a keyboard and started mashing her fists on it and created the monster known as the Lovely Vicious series. She lives in San Diego with two cats, a crippling-yet-refreshing sense of self-doubt, and not enough fruit tarts ever.

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Lovely Vicious

8.25 (4) 0 25 января 2015 19:39 Подростковая литература, Современные любовные романы 47 Lovely Vicious #0001 EN 2013