Dorsey Tim

Dorsey Tim (EN)

Страницы автора на других языках и псевдонимы: Дорси Тим
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Пол: мужской
Язык страницы автора: Английский
Домашняя страница:
Дата рождения: 1961
Место рождения: Indiana, USA
ID автора: 31523
Просмотров книг
за день: 3
за неделю: 6
за месяц: 92
за год: 413
за все время: 9827
   Tim Dorsey was born in Indiana, moved to Florida at the age of 1, and grew up in a small town about an hour north of Miami called Riviera Beach. He graduated from Auburn University in 1983. While at Auburn, he was editor of the student newspaper, The Plainsman. 
   From 1983 to 1987, he was a police and courts reporter for The Alabama Journal, the now-defunct evening newspaper in Montgomery. He joined The Tampa Tribune in 1987 as a general assignment reporter. He also worked as a political reporter in the Tribune’s Tallahassee bureau and a copy desk editor. From 1994 to 1999, he was the Tribune’s night metro editor. He left the paper in August 1999 to write full time. 
   Tim has since published eighteen novels in several languages: Florida Roadkill, Hammerhead Ranch Motel, Orange Crush, Triggerfish Twist, The Stingray Shuffle, Cadillac Beach, Torpedo Juice, The Big Bamboo, Hurricane Punch, Atomic Lobster, Nuclear Jellyfish, Gator A-Go-Go, Electric Barracuda, When Elves Attack, Pineapple Grenade, The Riptide Ultra-Glide, Tiger Shrimp Tango and Shark Skin Suite.
   He lives in Tampa with his family.
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