Zaloga Steven J.

Zaloga Steven J. (EN)

Страницы автора на других языках и псевдонимы: Залога Стивен
Средняя оценка: 0 (0)
Пол: мужской
Язык страницы автора: Английский
Дата рождения: 1 February 1952
Место рождения: Pittsfield, Massachusetts
ID автора: 115294
Просмотров книг
за день: 0
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за месяц: 1
за год: 106
за все время: 1295
Steven J. Zaloga  is an American historian, defense consultant, and an author on military technology. He received a bachelor's degree cum laude at Union College and a masters degree at Columbia University, both in history.
He has published many books dealing with modern military technology, and especially Soviet and CIS tanks and armoured warfare. He is a senior analyst at the Teal Group.
He is also a noted scale armor modeler and is a host/moderator of the World War II Allied Discussion group at, a modelling website.[4] He is a frequent contributor to the UK-based modeling magazine Military Modelling. He is a member of the Armor Modeling and Preservation Society.