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Tempting Whispers

Tempting Whispers 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Grey T. A. (EN)
Страниц: 36
Книга закончена
Символов: 225715
Серия: The Kategan Alphas #6
Язык книги: Английский
In the final installment to the Kategan Alphas series, Vanessa Kategan is a desperate woman. She's got no job, no money, no place to go and to top it all off she's on the run. That is, until she runs into the irritating, thought-consuming vampire Brayden. Now he's forcing her to accept his help and she takes it even knowing her heart is on the line. The vampire can make her body burn one minute and her temper explode the next. Yet, she's drawn to him like no other.Brayden lives his life by codes. One of those codes is to protect others who can't protect themselves. When Vanessa Kategan rolls into his town he can't deny the urge to help her, nor can he keep his hands off of her. Soon, the walls are closing in on them. Time is running out, people are showing up dead, and Brayden's not sure if he can keep Vanessa safe through it all. далее
The Fallen King

The Fallen King 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Grey T. A. (EN)
Страниц: 59
Книга закончена
Символов: 375033
Серия: The Bellum Sisters #4
Язык книги: Английский
Life couldn't have possibly gotten worse for the demon king Alrik. But it did. He lost the love of his life. Days spent clouded in black and gray were brightened only with the lovely Arianna near. Her light kept the darkness at bay if only for a few moments.And now she's gone leaving him alone. Now he has nobody. But he has purpose.A purpose--steely determination—for revenge against the one who cursed him. His mother. She's out there in the rift, gathering forces, for what, he's unsure.A mere human witch by the name Abbigail Krenshaw is the key to saving himself and killing his mother--or so a little old seer tells him under sword point. Small, fragile, and breakable Abbigail almost reminds him of his lost love, yet she's different. Strong, charming, always pushing him in ways that Arianna wouldn’t dare. He can feel her worming her way into his battered, blackened heart and can't decide whether he wants to close her inside forever, or lock her out.He needs Abbigail. He needs the human witch to sacrifice herself in order to save his tortured soul. He's more than willing to sacrifice her for his purpose, but the more he's around her the more difficult it becomes to uphold the decision. Can he really use her to save himself and let her die? His heart screams no but his mind says yes. далее
Ties That Bind

Ties That Bind 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Grey T. A. (EN)
Страниц: 81
Книга закончена
Символов: 512823
Серия: The Bellum Sisters #3
Язык книги: Английский
Lily Bellum keeps many secrets, even from those she loves the most. With a determination and mindset that only she can help the demon Telal Demuzi—she sets off to join him in his cause for demon's rights, whether he wants it or not. But things don’t seem to go right from the beginning. To say he’s resistant to her charms is putting it lightly, but Lily is not one to back down or give in easily. She pursues Telal, slowly breaking down his incredible defenses one smile, kiss, and touch at a time.Telal’s years of planning are finally coming to fruition—to open the rift. Once a betrayer of his people, now he’s determined to fix the past. But one man stands in his way; one man who’s turned out to be a dark and sinister version of the boy he once knew. His plan to open the rift is met with hostility, resistance, and bloodshed unlike he’d ever thought possible. Telal finds that losing himself in the sweet body of Lily Bellum proves an excellent treatment to the chaos around him. Together, Telal and Lily get wrapped up in a world of dark magic, love, betrayal, and murder in the greatest journey of their lives. далее
Just One Night

Just One Night

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Forman Gayle (EN)
Страниц: 9
Книга закончена
Символов: 53868
Серия: Just One Day
Язык книги: Английский
After spending one life-changing day in Paris with laid-back Dutch actor Willem De Ruiter, sheltered American good girl Allyson “Lulu” Healey discovered her new lover had disappeared without a trace. Just One Day followed Allyson’s quest to reunite with Willem; Just One Year chronicled the pair’s year apart from Willem’s perspective. Now, back together at last, this delectable e-novella reveals the couple’s final chapter. далее


Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Keeland Vi (EN)
Страниц: 54
Книга закончена
Символов: 327764
Язык книги: Английский
Dimpled smile of a boyHard body of a manSings like an angelFucks like the devilI was stuck between a rock(star) and a hard place.At fifteen, his poster hung on my bedroom wall. At twenty-five his body hovered over mine. Every girl’s fantasy became my reality. I was dating a rockstar. Yet I was slowly falling for another man. The problem was—the two men—they shared a tour bus. Flynn Beckham was the opening act.Dylan Ryder was the headliner.What happens when the opening act begins to shine so bright, it seems to dim everything else in its wake?I’ll tell you what happens. Things get ugly. далее


Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Keeland Vi (EN)
Страниц: 53
Книга закончена
Символов: 319137
Язык книги: Английский
The rules: No dating. No sex outside of the game. No disclosing the terms of the contract.Rules were made to be broken, right? Eight weeks ago I signed a contract. One that seemed like a good idea at the time. A handsome bachelor, luxury accommodations, and a chance to win a prize my family desperately needed. There were some rules though. Lots of them actually. Follow the script, no dating, sex, or disclosing the terms of the deal. After my self-imposed moratorium on men the last year, it wouldn’t be hard to live up to my end of the bargain... so I thought. Until I realized the deal I’d made was with the devil... and I was in love with his dirty-talking brother.  далее
Opening Up

Opening Up 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Dane Lauren (EN)
Страниц: 67
Книга закончена
Символов: 410166
Серия: Ink and Chrome #1
Язык книги: Английский
The men of the Twisted Steel custom motorcycle shop are great with their hands... and they're not afraid to get dirty.PJ is exactly the kind of woman Twisted Steel owner Asa Barrons doesn't need. The last thing he wants to do is mix business with pleasure, and PJ has some of the best custom detailing he's ever seen. But the chemistry between them won't be denied, and soon he's introducing her to a whole new world in the bedroom, pushing her far beyond anything she's ever experienced. PJ finds she can't get enough, but how far is too far before he consumes her completely? далее
Демон шарлатана. Часть первая

Демон шарлатана. Часть первая (СИ)

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Страниц: 53 Книга закончена, но выложена только часть от целой книги
Символов: 343486
Да будет Фауст молод, а Мефистофель - женщиной, и действие пусть происходит в наши дни: в руки слегка странного, но умеющего развлекаться мошенника попадает амулет, связанный с суккубом. Или, напротив, человек оказывается захвачен изящными пальцами демона, будто шахматная фигурка? А, плевать, главное, что весёлая игра нравится обоим. История предельно аморальна. Я предупредил. Предупреждение: Только первая часть. Продолжения нет с 2013 года. далее
Ловці манекенів

Ловці манекенів

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Тимчук Віктор (UK)
Страниц: 25
Книга закончена
Символов: 161853
Язык книги: Украинский
У гостросюжетній повісті «Ловці манекенів» розповідається про трьох юнаків, десятикласників, спортсменів, зразкових учнів, які ведуть подвійне життя, приховане від учителів і батьків
Нащадки «Білого Хреста»

Нащадки «Білого Хреста»

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Тимчук Віктор (UK)
Страниц: 58
Книга закончена
Символов: 373508
Язык книги: Украинский
В одному із старих будинків під час ремонту робітники знаходять останки жінки; сталася зухвала крадіжка з підкопом у промтоварному магазині; зникає продавець із великою сумою грошей… У розслідуванні цих подій бере участь інспектор карного розшуку Арсен Загайгора. Він натрапляє на слід банди, попередники якої діяли в 30-х роках, і викриває запеклих злочинців. далее
Знайти і затримати

Знайти і затримати

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Тимчук Віктор (UK)
Страниц: 25
Книга закончена
Символов: 156213
Язык книги: Украинский
У новій пригодницькій діє вже відомий читачам молодий слідчий Арсен Загайгора. Завдяки його мужності й винахідливості були розкриті дії небезпечних злочинців.
Без дозволу на розслідування

Без дозволу на розслідування

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Тимчук Віктор (UK)
Страниц: 58
Книга закончена
Символов: 379472
Язык книги: Украинский
Головний герой твору - молодий інспектор карного розшуку Арсеній Загайгора - випадково натрапляє в архіві прокуратури на справу вісімнадцятирічної давності: про розшук свого батька, що пропав безвісти, і починає "розкручувати" цю історію. У пригодницькому романі сучасного українського письменника розповідається про мужність і героїзм радянський людей у роки війни та в мирний час, про патріотизм, любов до рідної Вітчизни. далее
Свідків злочину не було

Свідків злочину не було

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Страниц: 32
Книга закончена
Символов: 204561
Язык книги: Украинский
У новій пригодницькій повісті діє вже відомий читачам із попередньої книги «Без дозволу на розслідування» молодий слідчий Арсен Загайгора. Завдяки його мужності й винахідливості були розкриті дії небезпечних злочинців. далее
Music of the Heart

Music of the Heart

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Ashley Katie (EN)
Страниц: 65
Книга закончена
Символов: 397675
Серия: Runaway Train #1
Язык книги: Английский
For Abby Renard, the plan was supposed to be simple—join her brothers’ band on the last leg of their summer tour and decide if she’s finally ready for the limelight by becoming its fourth member. Of course, she never imagined stumbling onto the wrong tour bus at Rock Nation would accidentally land her in the bed of Jake Slater, the notorious womanizing lead singer of Runaway Train. When he mistakes her for one of his groupie’s, Abby quickly lets him know she sure as hell isn't in his bed on purpose.Jake Slater never imagined the angel who fell into his bed would resist his charms by promptly kneeing him in the balls. Of course, the fact she seems like a prissy choir girl makes her anything but his type. So he is more than surprised when after betting Abby she wouldn’t last a week on their tour bus, she is more than willing to prove him wrong. But as Jake’s personal life begins to implode around him, he finds an unlikely ally in Abby. He’s never met a woman he can talk to, joke with, or most importantly make music with.As the week starts comes to a close, neither Abby nor Jake is ready to let go. Can a sweetheart Country songstress and a bad boy of Rock N Roll actually have a future together? далее
Форварды покидают поле

Форварды покидают поле

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Страниц: 64
Книга закончена
Символов: 415837
«Хоть раз в жизни человек обязан завоевать победу над самим собой»,— говорит один из героев этой книги подросткам, форвардам уличной футбольной команды «Молния», которым посвящена телеповесть «Форварды покидают поле». Эти разболтанные, легкомысленные мальчишки, отличавшиеся больно своеобразными представлениями о жизни и нормах поведения, по сути — неплохие ребята. Оказавшись получи и распишись краю пропасти и сперва запутавшись в сетях, расставленных «шпаной», они нашли в себя мужество не утонуть в болоте, увидели перед собой заветную мишень и осознали свое настоящее место в жизни. Много мыслей вызовет буква книга у читателей: на одних навеет воспоминания об отшумевшей юности, других заставит витать мыслями далеко над своими ошибками и поможет, смело преодолевая препятствия, идти числом жизни. Эта повесть — для молодых и для тех, кто остается навсегда молодым. далее
The Swan and the Jackal

The Swan and the Jackal 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Redmerski J. A. (EN)
Страниц: 62
Книга закончена
Символов: 384993
Язык книги: Английский
Fredrik Gustavsson never considered the possibility of love, or that anyone could ever understand or accept his dark and bloody lifestyle—until he met Seraphina, a woman as vicious and blood-thirsty as Fredrik himself. They spent two short but unforgettable years together, full of lust and killing and the darkest kind of love that two people can share.And then Seraphina was gone.It’s been six years since Fredrik’s lover and sadistic partner in crime turned his world upside-down. Seraphina went into hiding and has eluded him ever since. Now, he’s getting closer to finding her, and an innocent woman named Cassia is the key to drawing Seraphina from the shadows. But Cassia—after sustaining injuries from a fire that Seraphina ignited—suffers from amnesia and can’t give Fredrik the information he desperately seeks. Having no other choice, Fredrik has been keeping Cassia locked in his basement as he not only tries to get her to recall her past—because she and Seraphina share it—but also to protect her from Seraphina, who clearly wants her dead.But Cassia is a light in the darkness that Fredrik never believed existed. After a year subjected to her kindness and compassion, he finds himself struggling with his love for Seraphina, and his growing feelings for Cassia—because he knows that to love one, the other must die.Will light win out over darkness, or will something more powerful than either further destroy an already tortured soul? далее
Reviving Izabel

Reviving Izabel

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Redmerski J. A. (EN)
Страниц: 58
Книга закончена
Символов: 365109
Язык книги: Английский
Determined to live a dark life in the company of the assassin who freed her from bondage, Sarai sets out on her own to settle a score with an evil sadist. Unskilled and untrained in the art of killing, the events that unfold leave her hanging precariously on the edge of death when nothing goes as planned. Sarai’s reckless choices send her on a path she knows she can never turn back from and so she presents Victor with an ultimatum: help her become more like him and give her a fighting chance, or she’ll do it alone no matter the consequences. Knowing that Sarai cannot become what she wants to be overnight, Victor begins to train her and inevitably their complicated relationship heats up. As Arthur Hamburg’s right-hand man, Willem Stephens, closes in on his crusade to destroy Sarai, she is left with the crushing realization that she may have bitten off more than she can chew. But Sarai, taking on the new and improved role of Izabel Seyfried, still has a set of deadly skills of her own that will prove to be all she needs to secure her place beside Victor.But there is one test that Izabel must face that has the potential to destroy everything she is working so hard to achieve. One final test that will not only make her question her decision to want this dangerous life, but will make her question everything she has come to trust about Victor Faust. далее
Rock Bottom

Rock Bottom 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Lilley R. K. (EN)
Страниц: 54
Книга закончена
Символов: 329808
Серия: Tristan & Danika #2
Язык книги: Английский
Their love had the power of a runaway freight train, and the potential to be just as destructive.The tempestuous sequel to Bad Things picks up where the first book left off. Reeling from a profound loss, Tristan and Danika struggle to pick up the pieces and build a life together, but the hard habits of a lifetime are not so easy to escape.Rock Bottom takes us on a dual point of view journey through addiction and desire, through love and agony, and answers the question we’ve been asking since these characters were introduced in Grounded: “What happened between Tristan and Danika?” далее

Bend 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатели: Torre Alessandra (EN), Bromberg K. (EN), James Ella (EN)
Страниц: 138
Книга закончена
Символов: 860354
Серия: Anthology #2014
Язык книги: Английский
Kick by C.D. Reiss The first novella in Songs of Perdition   Fiona Drazen, sex addict, submissive slave, celebutante, trapped in a mental ward until Dr. Elliot Chapman can help her remember why she's there. But once she does, she might not want to go home to the Master she tried to kill.   Unraveled by K. Bromberg   One night. One mistake. Filled with fear. Sated by pleasure. Robbed of control. Blindfolded and bound. Shamed she liked it. Doomed to want it. Limits tested. Boundaries pushed. Desire awakened. Inhibition unleashed. An identity unraveled. Lives changed forever. COME by J.A. Huss   He must have her, take her, control her, keep her. She will submit. But she will do it when she is ready and willing. The bond is uneasy and the future uncertain. But one thing’s for sure.   Alone… Harper and James are dangerous.    Together… they are unstoppable. Red & Wolfe by Ella James   After years attempting to contact her estranged grandmother, an artist who lives on a remote island, Sarah “Red” Ryder is surprised to receive an invitation. When she arrives at the island, she’s shocked to find it is now the home of J. Wolfe, the reclusive artist, who has his own plans for her. The Devil in Me by K.I. Lynn   In search of strength and guidance at a nearby church, Jared happens upon a temptation. One he cannot hope to resist. Each time he sees her, the overwhelming urge to have her consumes him. The lust is overpowering, dragging him deeper and deeper with each encounter, exposing the devil within. Worth by Shay Savage   An injured Roman Tribunus finds comfort in the touch of the slave commanded to tend to his wounds. As a slave, her value is measured as a couple of coins, but as Tribunus Faustus learns more about her, he begins to understand her true worth.   Still, a man of his station can never acknowledge feelings for a slave, and she is already owned by another man. These Men by Andrea Smith   Paige Matthews has a lot to learn, and more than just about being an intern with the F.B.I. Inexperience with all types of relationships leaves her looking for a new place to live. Eli Chambers and his partner, Cain Maddox, are looking for a roommate. It's the perfect arrangement, but one that will change all their lives forever. STILL by Alessandra Torre   I was raised right. To mind my manners, keep my knees together, to put my napkin in my lap. But somehow, with one look at the dark sexuality that is Brett Jacobs, I forgot my Southern graces. They may have gotten lost in the pushmeupagainstthewall and takemehere action that occurred. In the clothes-ripping ohmygod action that followed. They may have, along with my sanity and common sense, deserted me, leaving me with bruised lips, ripped panties, and multiple orgasms. далее
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