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Проживи мою жизнь

Проживи мою жизнь (СИ) 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 1
Писатель: Блик Терри
Страниц: 73
Книга закончена
Символов: 484624
Жизнь переворачивается не тогда, когда совершено преступление, и не тогда, когда пришло возмездие. Судьба внезапно хлопает в ладоши, и по её повелению меняются не только привычные декорации, но и всё, что казалось верным и правильным. Равнодушие и любовь, предательство и прощение, откровенность и трусость, тайны и признания – всё это есть в истории, залитой дождём, пронизанной тревожными и страстными мелодиями танго, скомканной, выброшенной и созданной заново. Каждый день мы делаем выбор, выбор между спокойствием и любовью, и мы самоуверенны настолько, что полагаем, что можем управлять нашей собственной жизнью. Эта уверенность разбивается в мелкие брызги от одного взгляда, лёгкого прикосновения, едва уловимого аромата… далее
Ловцы фортуны

Ловцы фортуны

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Терри Каролин
Страниц: 116
Книга закончена
Символов: 765758
Магия и красота алмазов вне времени и конъюнктуры. И радость, и зло несут они людям. На алмазных копях Южной Африки завязались узы дружбы и узлы вражды Джона Корта и Мэтью Брайта. За ошибки отцов расплачиваются дети — трагически пересекаются их пути. Через бурные события их жизни, жажду власти и ненависть, соперничество в любви и бизнесе ведет читателя роман «Ловцы фортуны». далее
Point of No Return

Point of No Return

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Snow Tiffany (EN)
Страниц: 83
Книга закончена
Символов: 517478
Серия: Kathleen Turner #5
Язык книги: Английский
Kathleen Turner wasn't expecting to fall in love when she came to Indianapolis a year ago, much less with two very different men. And not just any men. Brothers. Blane Kirk, former SEAL turned attorney, is every woman’s dream man. A playboy who changes women as often as he changes his tie, trying to hold on to Blane could only break Kathleen's heart. Commitment is a foreign word to Kade Dennon, assassin-for-hire and genius hacker, and safety is non-existent. A future with Kade would surely end in disaster—for both of them. Past betrayals come to a head and the choice Kathleen makes could sign her death warrant. Everything’s at stake as Blane, Kade, and Kathleen reach the Point of No Return. далее
12 историй о любви

12 историй о любви (Сборник)

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Страниц: 996
Книга закончена
Символов: 6515107
«12 историй о любви» – это уникальная книга, на страницах которой читатель найдет шедевры мировой литературной классики, каждый из которых посвящен неувядающей теме любви. Каждый из представленных в книге авторов пишет о любви по-разному. Одни делают акцент на разрушительных страстях и муках неразделенного влечения, приводящих к трагедиям, другие – на романтическом восприятии любви, настоящей взаимной нежности и чистоте переживаний. Ну а третьи (и их, вероятно, большинство) – умеют совместить в своих повествованиях как светлые, так и теневые стороны любви, показать глубину этого самого необъятного и многогранного чувства. далее


Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Woodruff Jettie (EN)
Страниц: 65
Книга закончена
Символов: 402755
Серия: The Twin Duo #1
Язык книги: Английский
When my sister, Isabelle showed up, just ahead of a tropical storm, nostalgia and a need to reconnect took us on a ride…directly into the eye of a different kind of disaster. I woke from a coma unaware that I even had a twin and married to a man with two little girls. Although I fell madly in love with the children that I didn’t remember, I didn’t feel like I belonged with Paxton Pierce. I couldn’t be who he wanted me to be no matter how hard I tried. But things aren’t always as they seem. I fought my own demons, trying not to be the submissive he required me to be, yet I craved it like a drug. I wanted him. Once upon a time I was an identical twin. And then I wasn’t. далее
Листи до Мотрони Кочубеївни

Листи до Мотрони Кочубеївни

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Страниц: 1
Книга закончена
Символов: 4216
Язык книги: Украинский
Принцесса маори

Принцесса маори

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Вальден Лора
Страниц: 95
Книга закончена
Символов: 615305
Новая Зеландия. Во время свадебной церемонии у вождя племени маори похитили обеих дочерей. Красавица принцесса Ахоранги оказалась в руках бандитов... От бесчестия ее спас белый мужчина. Том полюбил ее с первого взгляда - и принцесса ответила ему взаимностью. Но за счастье им придется дорого заплатить. Отец не в силах ее простить и проклинает дочь и ее потомков. Увы, проклятие сбывается... далее


Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Оуэн Рут
Страниц: 43
Книга закончена
Символов: 282388
Джиллиан Полански, главная героиня романа, вызвалась добровольно участвовать в экспериментах с виртуальным пространством. В мире иллюзии ее отношения с Иэном складываются как нельзя лучше. В реальном же мире все гораздо сложнее — после первого неудачного брака Иэн перестал верить в любовь. Довольствуется ли Джиллиан иллюзорным счастьем, или будет бороться за свое счастье в реальной жизни? далее
Moonlight on Nightingale Way

Moonlight on Nightingale Way 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Young Samantha (EN)
Страниц: 72
Книга закончена
Символов: 444544
Серия: On Dublin Street #6
Язык книги: Английский
On Dublin Street # 6 Logan spent two years paying for the mistakes he made. Now, he’s ready to start over. He has a great apartment, a good job, and plenty of women to distract him from his past. And one woman who is driving him to distraction…   Grace escaped her manipulative family by moving to a new city. Her new life, made to suit her own needs, is almost perfect. All she needs to do is find her Mr. Right—or at least figure out a way to ignore her irresistible yet annoying womanizer of a neighbor.   Grace is determined to have nothing to do with Logan until a life-changing surprise slowly begins turning the wild heartbreaker into exactly the kind of strong, stable man she’s been searching for. Only just when she begins to give into his charms, her own messy past threatens to derail everything they’ve worked to build…   далее
An On Dublin Street Valentine

An On Dublin Street Valentine 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Young Samantha (EN)
Страниц: 20
Книга закончена
Символов: 123151
Серия: On Dublin Street #5
Язык книги: Английский
On Dublin Street # 5.5 How do Joss & Braden, Ellie & Adam, Jo & Cam, Olivia & Nate, Hannah & Marco and Shannon & Cole keep the fire burning in their relationships while trying to juggle busy careers and the joyful chaos of parenthood? Find out in this special novella that includes six sexy and emotional short stories from each couple in the On Dublin Street series so far... далее

Stinger 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Sheridan Mia (EN)
Страниц: 79
Книга закончена
Символов: 502461
Серия: Sign of Love #3
Язык книги: Английский
Grace Hamilton was the girl with a plan. She knew exactly where her life was going and prided herself on always achieving her goals. It was who she was, and how she lived her life. She never stepped outside the lines, and never considered what she might desire and whom she was actually trying so hard to please. Until him…Carson Stinger was a man who didn't play by any rules except his own. Working in the adult entertainment industry, he didn't care what others thought, and took each day as it came, no direction, no plan. He knew what women wanted from him and believed it was all he had to offer. Until her… When circumstances forced them to spend several hours together, they walked away changed. But for two people who never should have meshed, overcoming the reality of their vastly different lives wasn't possible. At least not yet…THIS IS A STAND-ALONE NOVEL. The first two books in the series need not be read to enjoy this book. New Adult Contemporary Romance: Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18. далее
Bonds of Fire

Bonds of Fire 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Grey T. A. (EN)
Страниц: 67
Книга закончена
Символов: 425450
Серия: The Bellum Sisters #2
Язык книги: Английский
Three Fates. Three Sisters.Hotheaded succubus Willow Bellum doesn’t take kindly to being given to the Alpha of the shapeshifters. When the will from her dead father puts Willow under the Alpha’s protection, she runs. Yet no matter how hard or fast she runs, he always seems to catch her. And with each stolen moment together, Willow finds herself relenting to his quick smile and passionate kisses more and more.When the Alpha finally captures his feisty succubus, he proceeds with a full-on seduction meant to weaken her defenses. Alpha Lyonis Keelan hasn’t made his way to position of Alpha lightly and Willow’s defiance to his touch only makes him more determined to win her. Because whether she wants it or not, Willow is his mate and he plans to keep her no matter what.As their love struggles to take hold, an ancient demon stalks Willow. Unable to rest until it sees her dead, Willow and Lyonis must stand together or risk losing everything. далее
Seduction and Snacks

Seduction and Snacks

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Sivec Tara (EN)
Страниц: 68
Книга закончена
Символов: 432215
Серия: Chocolate Lovers #1
Язык книги: Английский
Claire is a twenty-something, single mom that grudgingly helps her best friend sell sex toys while she attempts to make enough money to start her own business to give her foul-mouthed, but extremely loveable (when he's asleep) toddler a better life. When Carter, the one-night-stand from her past that changed her life forever, shows up in her hometown bar without any recollection of her besides her unique chocolate scent, Claire will make it a point that he remembers her this time. With Carter's undisguised shock at suddenly finding out he has a four-year-old son and Claire's panic that her stretch marks and slim to none bedroom experience will send the man of her dreams heading for the hills, the pair will do whatever they can to get their happily ever after. далее
This Man Confessed

This Man Confessed 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Malpas Jodi Ellen (EN)
Страниц: 124
Книга закончена
Символов: 777644
Серия: This Man #3
Язык книги: Английский
The Manor, the very place where their passionate love affair began, fills with guests on what should be the happiest day of Ava and Jesse's lives. She has accepted that she'll never tame the fierceness in Jesse-and she doesn't want to. Their love is profound, their connection powerful, but just when she thinks that she's finally gotten beneath his guarded exterior, more questions arise, leading Ava to believe that Jesse Ward may not be the man she thinks he is. He knows too well how to take her to a place beyond ecstasy . . . but will he also drive her to the brink of despair? It's time for this man to confess. далее
Beneath This Man

Beneath This Man 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Malpas Jodi Ellen (EN)
Страниц: 124
Книга закончена
Символов: 780191
Серия: This Man #2
Язык книги: Английский
Jesse Ward drowned her with his intensity and blindsided her with his passion, but he kept her away from his dark secrets and broken soul. Leaving him was the only way Ava O'Shea could survive. She should have known that Jesse Ward is impossible to escape--and now he's back in her life, determined to remind her of the sensual pleasures they had shared. Ava is equally determined to get at the truth beneath this man's steely exterior. That means letting herself get close to the Lord of the Manor once more. And it's exactly where Jesse wants her--within touching distance... далее

Raw 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Aurora Belle (EN)
Страниц: 68
Книга закончена
Символов: 391952
Серия: Raw Family #1
Язык книги: Английский
Growing up the way I did, you’d think I’d be more screwed up than what I actually am. Soon as I turned sixteen, I left that bump in the road I called home and took my chances on the street. Best decision I ever made. Now, at the age of twenty six, I’m educated, employed and damn good at my job. My friends have become my family. Like me, they know what it’s like to grow up unloved. But the saying is true. The world makes way for those who know where they are going. That’s me. I know where I’m going and I’ll get there eventually. On my own terms and at my own pace. But then there’s him. I feel his eyes on me. I see him hiding in plain sight. He watches me. He makes me feel. It’s unconventional. But it’s real. I’m sure you’re wondering how a person falls in love with their stalker. So am I. This isn’t a story. This is my life. далее
The King

The King

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Ward J. R. (EN)
Страниц: 138
Книга закончена
Символов: 855762
Язык книги: Английский
 J.R. Ward's #1 New York Times bestselling Black Dagger Brotherhood continues as a royal bloodline is compromised by a grave threat to the throne. Long live the King… After turning his back on the throne for centuries, Wrath, son of Wrath, finally assumed his father’s mantle—with the help of his beloved mate. But the crown sets heavily on his head. As the war with the Lessening Society rages on, and the threat from the Band of Bastards truly hits home, he is forced to make choices that put everything—and everyone—at risk. Beth Randall thought she knew what she was getting into when she mated the last pure blooded vampire on the planet: An easy ride was not it. But when she decides she wants a child, she’s unprepared for Wrath’s response—or the distance it creates between them. The question is, will true love win out... or tortured legacy take over? далее
The Shadows

The Shadows

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Ward J. R. (EN)
Страниц: 137
Книга закончена
Символов: 847572
Язык книги: Английский
Two brothers bound by more than blood fight to change a brutal destiny in the heart-wrenching new novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood by Sunday Times bestselling author J. R. Ward.Trez "Latimer" doesn't really exist. And not just because the identity was created so that a Shadow could function in the underbelly of the human world. Sold by his parents to the Queen of the S'Hsibe as a child, Trez escaped the Territory and has been a pimp and an enforcer in Caldwell, NY for years--all the while on the run from a destiny of sexual servitude. He's never had anyone he could totally rely on ... except for his brother, iAm. iAm's sole goal has always been to keep his brother from self-destructing--and he knows he's failed. It's not until the Chosen Serena enters Trez's life that the male begins to turn things around ... but by then it's too late. The pledge to mate the Queen's daughter comes due and there is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and no negotiating. Trapped between his heart and a fate he never volunteered for, Trez must decide whether to endanger himself and others--or forever leave behind the female he's in love with. But then an unimaginable tragedy strikes and changes everything. Staring out over an emotional abyss, Trez must find a reason to go on or risk losing himself and his soul forever. And iAm, in the name of brotherly love, is faced with making the ultimate sacrifice ... далее
An echo in the bone

An echo in the bone

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Gabaldon Diana (EN)
Страниц: 285
Книга закончена
Символов: 1853562
Язык книги: Английский
amie Fraser is an eighteenth-century Highlander, an ex-Jacobite traitor, and a reluctant rebel in the American Revolution. His wife, Claire Randall Fraser, is a surgeon from the twentieth century. What she knows of the future compels him to fight. What she doesn't know may kill them both. With one foot in America and one foot in Scotland, Jamie and Claire s adventure spans the Revolution, from sea battles to printshops, as their paths cross with historical figures from Benjamin Franklin to Benedict Arnold. Meanwhile, in the relative safety of the twentieth century, their daughter, Brianna, and her husband experience the unfolding drama of the Revolutionary War through Claire s letters. But the letters can't warn them of the threat that s rising out of the past to overshadow their family. Diana Gabaldon s sweeping Outlander saga reaches new heights in "An Echo in the Bone".    далее
Нищета. Часть вторая

Нищета. Часть вторая

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Страниц: 132
Книга закончена
Символов: 862686
Серия: Нищета #2
Во второй части романа «Нищета» продолжается повествование о судьбе Бродаров и параллельно действие переносится в далекую Россию. Колоритно описывается здесь сибирская природа, леса, просторы и… жизнь ссыльных каторжников в этом живописном уголке России. Повествование в романе ведется страстно, драматично. Авторы показывают исключительные ситуации, необыкновенные персонажи, что, на наш взгляд, не оставит читателей равнодушными к этой книге. далее
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