Once Xi Jinping "lived at the bottom" "his house was a cave, his bed was a thin blanket on bricks, and the bucket was his toilet. He had to endure for seven years the "fight against fleas, hard physical labor and constant loneliness". The greatest unity, Datong which had reached Xiaokang, a small well-being and when people got the basic conditions for life, happened recently.

This was the most dangerous for the Celestial Empire, so the Chairman Xi Jinping intuitively "crossed the river and felt the stones." "The Prince" with anti-corruption experience often warned the leaders that they had to put an end to red carpets and endless banquets: "There were enough four dishes and soup."

Gerhard looked around. The present were very serious. His Chinese language left much to be desired, but, to his delight, he found a local Englishman.

- What has happened? - Said Gerhard.

- This is a disaster!

He quickly translated Xi Jinping’s speech and every minute Gerhard’s mood was spoiling. The world has changed radically for those three days.

- Brothers and sisters! Employees of the North and the South village, the workers of factories, party leaders! Be extremely careful, be on the alert! A new invisible cruel enemy is ready to attack our villages and cities. The spirit of collectivization and mutual assistance is peculiar to our great nation. The enemy in different aspects can enter the kindergartens, schools, our houses, where may be children and the elderly. Keep together! If you see a stranger, immediately inform the competent authorities, take a picture of him.

The speech of the chairman Xi Jinping was intensifying , one could hear strict notes in his voice.

- Our army is the largest in the world, there are about two and a half million soldiers and officers. If it is necessary we can aim at two hundred million people. Our army has the most modern weapons on the land, at sea and in the sky.

The enemy will not pass!


The Chairman Xi Jinping could deeply hide his emotions. He reached to the very top, became a powerful man, and only the most approximate to the Chairman could notice his excitement. An hour ago, he received a very disturbing message. The first attack was at the autonomous region, located in the mountains of Tibet, bringing everywhere death and destruction. They announced that the enemy worked in small groups, cutting communication from Shigatse to Shannan, avoiding Lhasa, moving to the north. People's Armed Police turned out to be almost powerless against the well-trained gangs of unknown thugs. Werewolves easily entered the protected administrative offices, which used to be the hall with the presidium, with a red corner Mao Zedong grabbed the leaders, taking them hostage. The worst thing was that many rural leaders joined gangs.

It could not happen because it could never happen. That’s why we set in motion aviation, helicopters, armored personnel carriers, tanks, infantry and the police. The enemy movements were taken from the space with a dozen drones, each of which was ready to drop a bomb. There were also included the heads of many secret services in China. - Our beautiful country with an ancient civilization can conquer any invader! Chinese dream is the quintessence of the centuries-old ideas and the Chinese people hopes on the construction of a fair society. We will build on the earth a harmonious world, and we will tell all our internal enemies, traitors and werewolves: "Death to Spies!"


Gerhard stopped in his tracks. The world in which he was born, and which seemed to be unshakeable, turned out to be very different, cruel and incomprehensible. It was not clear what to do farther. "We need to go to Vienna?" - Pulsed an unformed thought. - "Where am I? Why I’m there there, on mine mutti! Gerhard howled, thinking, slightly hunched, as if the severity of a two-ton atmosphere was on him, he walked to a hospital bed.

And then he saw that he was expected. They were wearing identical black suits. In the doorway of the camber there were two men, and the third one, wearing dark glasses, looked around. He had a long gun in his hand. Brenner rushed to the side corridor, his heart was beating foreboding of the evil. He began moving faster along the corridor, but at some point he began running in a gallop, touching the nurses, patients and caregivers on his way. Seeing some imposing physician, Gerhard stopped and tried to hide in a pile of empty stretchers. "Probably, the danger will be over. They will not notice. Or call the police? Or scream, and tell this reputable doctor, and he will save me. Oh, wegen jammern…, oh! "

But then he felt on his forehead something very cold. Gerhard focused on a long reddish-black gun with a silencer.

It was modernized Chinese nine-millimetres-long pistol with eight bullets, the so-called "gun traitors."

- Do you have a cigarette? - It was so unexpectedly that Brenner was taken aback. Killer’s words were said with a strong Chinese accent.

- I do not smoke.

Gerhard’s stiff voice was such that it seemed to be in the center of the Globe.

Holding the gun, the man ordered to stand up and drove Brenner into the greenish wall. Gerhard strained felling the close inevitable death.

- According to the war law, according to the Criminal Code of the China People's Republic, the first section, Chapter One, Article Six, " crime on the territory of the China People's Republic", the second chapter, paragraph one Article Thirteen "all acts harming national sovereignty, territorial integrity and peace, aimed at splitting the state, the authority dissidence, undermining of people's democratic dictatorship", section two, article three hundred thirty-three and article three hundred and thirty-fourth...

"This is a theater of absurd. I need to wake up from a nightmare. It is impossible", - Gerhard howled. A strong Chinese man, with a deacon’s patter, stumbled for a moment and then continued bleating.

But Brenner’s voice came back and he, showing a good knowledge of the Chinese Criminal Code, confidently and proudly said something totally unexpected:

- But there is an article fifty, which states if the convict has repented, the death penalty can be changed for the life imprisonment.

The executioner stopped his melancholy speech, looked compassionately at that paltry man, and having thought a little bit, he said:

- Well, yes. But it is war time!

"Rigorous logic" - thought Gerhard.

- This is mistake. Do not kill! - he suddenly shouted.

Instead of it, the murderer was quickly finishing his speech, swallowing whole parts of the code:

- During the unrest, according to the article three hundred seventy eight ... and according to the article thirty, paragraph five (the death penalty).

This terrible word recalled in his ears many times with the repeated echoes.

- Bring the sentence immediately!

But a modified Chinese pistol instead of spit out quietly five grams of death to the frightened Gerhard, broke in the corridor two tiles, a lamp on the ceiling, because a shot in the executioner’s head shattered his Skull and wiped off his black sunglasses and spoiled his overall. Brenner fainted, but a strong hairy hand caught up him.

Gerhard thought that he had already seen that man somewhere. Really, it was Durmus Ekidzhe, a Turk who held that affair from the airport.

Having caught up Brenner, he ran through the corridors, frightening medical staff and patients. Any resistance on his way, either it was the guard, security services or armed doctor Durmus, he destroyed with two shots. The first shot could be from anywhere, the most important was to have time to shoot first. The second shot was Durmus Ekidzhe’s trademark. The last bullet always hit straight between eyes. If he couldn’t see the killed person’s face, it managed to come up to the conquered enemy, and put that terrible stamp.