Wood Jessica

Wood Jessica (EN)

Страницы автора на других языках и псевдонимы: Вуд Джессика
Средняя оценка: 10 (1)
Пол: женский
Язык страницы автора: Английский
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Место рождения: United States
ID автора: 106701
Просмотров книг
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за неделю: 8
за месяц: 94
за год: 670
за все время: 6082
Jessica Wood writes contemporary romance.
While she has lived in countless cities throughout the U.S., her heart belongs to San Francisco. To her, there’s something seductively romantic about the Golden Gate Bridge, the steep rolling hills of the city streets, the cable cars, and the Victorian-style architecture.
She loves a strong, masculine man with a witty personality. While she is headstrong and extremely independent, she can’t resist a man who takes control of the relationship, both outside and inside of the bedroom. 
She loves to travel internationally, and tries to plan a yearly trip abroad. She also loves to cook and bake, and—to the benefit of her friends—she loves to share. She also enjoys ceramics and being creative with her hands. She has a weakness for good (maybe bad) TV shows; she’s up-to-date on over 25 current shows, and no, that wasn’t a joke.
And it goes without saying, she loves books—they’re like old and dear friends who have always been there to make her laugh and make her cry.
The one thing she wished she had more of is time
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